為什麼選擇 地球藍
體驗無與倫比的服務和移動技術的便利,無論在哪個國家、城鎮或時區,都能獲得最好的醫療服務。 GeoBlue 是 Worldwide Insurance Services 的國際健康保險計劃的商品名稱,該公司是 Blue Cross Blue Shield Association 的獨立持證人。
GeoBlue 健康計劃是與當地的 Blue Cross 和 Blue Shield 公司合作提供的,其網絡包括美國 90% 以上的醫生和 80% 的醫院 GeoBlue 全面的國際健康保險計劃組合表明了對成員的承諾在國內外。 GeoBlue 的高素質醫生會說您的語言,像朋友一樣對待您,並直接向 GeoBlue 收取他們的服務費用。
GeoBlue 會員享受
24/7 電話、網絡、移動和遠程醫療支持
GeoBlue Voyager Choice
Ideal for international leisure, missionary or business travel.
Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment.
Post-departure trip interruption up to $500.
Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles.
For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*.
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation, for individuals with a current U.S. health plan.

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Voyager Essential
Ideal for international leisure, missionary or business travel.
Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment.
Post-departure trip interruption up to $500.
Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles.
For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*.
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical evacuation.
Does not require a primary health plan.

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Voyager Choice Group
10% discount on groups of 5 or more.
Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles.
For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*.
Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment.
Post-departure trip interruption up to $500.
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation.
Requires a primary health plan

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Voyager Essential Group
10% discount on groups of 5 or more.
Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles.
For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*.
Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment.
Post-departure trip interruption up to $500.
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical evacuation.
Does not require a primary health plan.

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Trekker Choice (Annual Plan)
Americans traveling overseas multiple times annually
$1,000,000 medical limit.
$500,000 medical evacuation benefit.
Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment.
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation.
Unlimited trips outside the U.S. in a 12 month period (70 days max. per trip).
Requires a primary health plan; however, the primary plan does not need to be a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield medical plan in order to be eligible.

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Xplorer Premier (Standard Expatriate)
Complete health insurance plan that you can use anywhere in the world.
Annual plan for individuals and families who intend to be outside their home country for at least 3 months a year.
Customize your medical coverage to suit your needs.
Unlimited annual and lifetime medical maximum.
International health insurance that covers you inside and outside the U.S.
Immediate coverage of pre-existing conditions with proof of previous coverage.
Choice to see any healthcare provider outside of the U.S. and access to the Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO network in the U.S and more...

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Navigator Crew (Expat Crew Medical Coverage)

Complete, affordable worldwide coverage designed for maritime crew members.
Annual plan for those who intend to be outside their home country at least 3 months a year.
Covers dependents and families (only the subscriber must be in the crew profession).
Sailboat racing, scuba diving and alcohol-related injuries are covered.
Unlimited annual and lifetime medical maximum.
Coverage is primary to protection & indemnity (P&I) insurance.
Immediate coverage of pre-existing conditions with proof of previous coverage and more...
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Navigator Missionary Medical Coverage

Complete, affordable worldwide coverage designed for NGOs, missionaries and those involved in humanitarian work.
Annual plan for individuals and their families who intend to be outside their home country for at least 3 months each year.
Covers dependents and families (only the subscriber must be a member of an NGO or charitable organization).
Unlimited annual and lifetime medical maximum.
Immediate coverage of pre-existing conditions with proof of previous coverage.
Illnesses and injuries related to terrorism are covered.
Choice to see any healthcare provider outside of the U.S. and access to the Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO network in the U.S.
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Navigator Student

Complete, affordable worldwide coverage designed for students (including Optional Practical Training (OPT) status), teachers and faculty.
Annual plan for individuals and their families who intend to be outside their home country for at least 3 months each year.
Covers dependents and families (only the subscriber must be a teacher, student or faculty).
Flexible options for plan length.
Plan options that meet F1 and J1 Visa requirements.
Unlimited annual and lifetime medical maximum.
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724