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IMG 知道出國旅行的原因多種多樣——這就是為什麼他們的產品也是如此。他們提供國際醫療保險產品的全方位服務方法包括為度假者、短期或長期在國際上工作或生活的人、經常在國家之間旅行的人以及擁有多個居住國的人提供服務。
IMG 提供全系列的旅行保護計劃,包括iTravelInsured Travel Lite 、 iTravelInsured Travel SE和iTravelInsured Travel LX ,為旅行取消、行李延誤、旅行中斷、醫療福利和許多其他與旅行相關的事件提供不同級別的保險和花費。這些計劃旨在保護您在旅行前或旅行期間發生不良事件時免受經濟損失。
As the world’s only integrated travel risk and crisis response provider, their services include:
Evacuate members from the point of illness or injury to the nearest appropriate health care facility. Complete duty of care and travel risk management services
Advisory service including assistance managing local health care systems, visa and passport issues, translation, legal referrals, detailed destination reports and real-time event alerts.
Security evacuation in the event of natural disasters, a terrorist attack, a government-ordered evacuation, or civil unrest.
Location tracking and alerts to keep track of employees and loved ones in real time.
24/7 access to world-class medical experts for real-time video consultations and treatment
Enterprise and destination preparation, monitoring, staffing, support and response services.
Travel Plan
7, 14 or 30 day Memberships are available as well as Annual Memberships for:
Medical Evacuation, Security Evacuation, Crisis Response
Individual and Family Memberships
Security and Medical Memberships
Field rescue & medical evacuation
Medical advisory & intelligence
Destination reports & alerts
Transport to home hospital of choice

Underwriter: United States Fire Insurance Company.
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