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  • CF Travel Insured | Travel with Insurance

    IMG 是一家屢獲殊榮的全球保險福利和援助服務提供商。 25 多年來,它們通過提供他們需要的保護和他們應得的支持,使成員減少了擔憂並獲得了更多體驗。自 1990 年以來,IMG 通過提供世界一流的產品、客戶服務和福利,為幾乎每個國家的數百萬人提供了支持。 Visit website 為什麼選擇 IMG保險 IMG 知道出國旅行的原因多種多樣——這就是為什麼他們的產品也是如此。他們提供國際醫療保險產品的全方位服務方法包括為度假者、短期或長期在國際上工作或生活的人、經常在國家之間旅行的人以及擁有多個居住國的人提供服務。 由國際多語種專家和訓練有素的客戶服務專業人員組成的敬業團隊通過他們想要的服務支持會員所需的好處。 IMG 提供全系列的旅行保護計劃,包括iTravelInsured Travel Lite 、 iTravelInsured Travel SE 和iTravelInsured Travel LX ,為旅行取消、行李延誤、旅行中斷、醫療福利和許多其他與旅行相關的事件提供不同級別的保險和花費。這些計劃旨在保護您在旅行前或旅行期間發生不良事件時免受經濟損失。 綜合 計劃 Comparison Quote Each of the Travel Insured Worldwide Trip Protector plans include the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverage as well as Travel Medical Insurance and Medical Evacuation and Baggage Delay, Loss, Theft, and Damage. Travel Insured provides coverage for medical expenses incurred during travel, particularly outside of the U.S., that health insurance providers frequently deny as out of network. With the medical benefits included in these plans, you can help ensure access to quality medical treatment wherever you travel and protect yourself from unexpected travel medical and evacuation expenses Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company Worldwide Trip Protector (WTP) Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $100,000 Option for Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) and Option for Interruption for Any Reason (IFAR) Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains $1,000,000 Non-Insurance Worldwide Assistance Services are included in both plans and include Medical or Legal Referral, Inoculation Information, Hospital Admission Guarantee, Telemedicine, House Calls, Translation Service, Lost Baggage Retrieval, Passport/Visa Information, Emergency Cash Advance, Bail Bond, Prescription Drug/Eyeglass Replacement, ID Theft Resolution Service, Concierge Service, and Business Concierge ​ The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion will be waived if you purchase the protection plan within 21 days of the date your initial trip payment or deposit is received and you are medically able and not disabled from travel at the time you purchase the plan. COVID 19 is considered an illness and treated the same as any illness Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company World Trip Protector (Edge) Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $10,000 Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains $100,000 Non-Insurance Worldwide Assistance Services are included in this plan and include Medical or Legal Referral, Inoculation Information, Hospital Admission Guarantee, Telemedicine, House Calls, Translation Service, Lost Baggage Retrieval, Passport/Visa Information, Emergency Cash Advance, Bail Bond, Prescription Drug / Eyeglass Replacement, ID Theft Resolution Service, Concierge Service, and Business Concierge The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion will be waived if you purchase the protection plan within 14 days of the date your initial trip payment or deposit is received and you are medically able and not disabled from travel at the time you purchase the plan. COVID 19 is considered an illness and treated the same as any illness. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company 訪問他們的網站,了解所有可用的計劃和福利 訪問網站 想投保 IMG保險? Travel Relaxed. Travel Secure. Travel Insured. IMG 保險的 聯繫信息 > 客戶服務 866-263-0669 > 索賠電子郵件 請參閱 IMG 文件上的傳真號碼、電子郵件地址或郵寄地址。 >郵寄至 北子午街2960號 印第安納波利斯, IN 46208 索賠電子郵件 供應商索賠網站 提出索賠 Compare Plans

  • Travelex | Travel with Insurance

    IMG 是一家屢獲殊榮的全球保險福利和援助服務提供商。 25 多年來,它們通過提供他們需要的保護和他們應得的支持,使成員減少了擔憂並獲得了更多體驗。自 1990 年以來,IMG 通過提供世界一流的產品、客戶服務和福利,為幾乎每個國家的數百萬人提供了支持。 Visit website 為什麼選擇 IMG保險 IMG 知道出國旅行的原因多種多樣——這就是為什麼他們的產品也是如此。他們提供國際醫療保險產品的全方位服務方法包括為度假者、短期或長期在國際上工作或生活的人、經常在國家之間旅行的人以及擁有多個居住國的人提供服務。 由國際多語種專家和訓練有素的客戶服務專業人員組成的敬業團隊通過他們想要的服務支持會員所需的好處。 IMG 提供全系列的旅行保護計劃,包括iTravelInsured Travel Lite 、 iTravelInsured Travel SE 和iTravelInsured Travel LX ,為旅行取消、行李延誤、旅行中斷、醫療福利和許多其他與旅行相關的事件提供不同級別的保險和花費。這些計劃旨在保護您在旅行前或旅行期間發生不良事件時免受經濟損失。 綜合 計劃 Travel Basic The Travel Basic plan provides great coverage at an even greater price. Emergency Medical & Dental Trip Cancellation Travel Assistance ​ With benefits including trip cancellation coverage, reimbursement for emergency medical and dental expenses, 24-hour travel assistance and more, the Travel Basic plan provides all of the essentials for an affordable price. ​ Up to $15,000 Emergency Medical Expenses Enjoy Primary Coverage with No Deductibles Up to $10,000 Trip Cancellation & Interruption 24/7 Travel Assistance & Concierge Services ​ Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A++ Underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company Travel Select Travel Select provides comprehensive benefits and access to four unique upgrades. Emergency Medical & Dental Trip Cancellation Travel Assistance Four Optional Upgrades ​ Whether you’re traveling for business, with your family, or for fun, Travelex’s premium insurance plan, Travel Select, offers the benefits and customizable upgrades you need to help keep yourself - and your vacation investment - protected. ​ Up to $50,000 Emergency Medical Expenses Enjoy Primary Coverage with no deductibles Protection provided for children 17 and under included 15-day Pre-Existing Condition exclusion waiver available Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A++ Underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company Travel America Travel America provides low cost, core protection for domestic trips. Emergency Medical & Dental Trip Inconvenience Travel Assistance ​ With benefits including trip inconvenience coverage, security deposit protection, trip cancellation, secondary coverage for medical emergencies, roadside assistance and more, Travel America can provide protection for up to 8 travelers on your next adventure within the United States. All for the low cost of $60. ​ Receive Shared Benefits for up to 8 Travelers Up to $50,000 Emergency Medical Expenses 3-Day Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion Waiver Car Rental Collision Coverage and Roadside Assistance Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A++ Underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company 訪問他們的網站,了解所有可用的計劃和福利 訪問網站 想投保 IMG保險? IMG 保險的 聯繫信息 > 客戶服務 866-263-0669 索賠電子郵件 延長或更新覆蓋範圍 > 索賠電子郵件 請參閱 IMG 文件上的傳真號碼、電子郵件地址或郵寄地址。 供應商索賠網站 緊急援助 >郵寄至 北子午街2960號 印第安納波利斯, IN 46208 提出索賠 找醫生/醫院

  • Insurance Basics | Travel with Insurance

    需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? 當人們想到旅行保險時,他們通常會尋找一個計劃來保護他們的假期。假期計劃也可稱為打包計劃、旅行保險、旅行取消保險或旅行保險。這些計劃佔旅行保險銷售額的 94% 以上,因為它們為旅行者正在尋求的內容提供保險,這通常是由於延遲、取消、丟失等多種不同原因,下面將詳細描述。 綜合的 計劃 具有旅行取消和旅行醫療選項的計劃,這些提供的覆蓋範圍最大,因此通常是最昂貴的。 有限 或旅行醫療計劃 如果您在旅行期間生病或受傷,將提供承保的計劃。大多數常規健康保險計劃在您出國旅行時提供部分承保或不承保。旅行醫療保險計劃提供超出常規醫療服務提供者的承保範圍。這些計劃可能並不總是包括行程取消的承保。 專業 計劃 具有特殊保險的計劃,例如意外死亡或肢解(可能包括疏散,但通常不包括因戰爭行為導致的死亡或肢解的保險)。其中一些計劃還可能包含旅行取消和/或醫療保險。雖然有許多特殊計劃可供您選擇以滿足您的獨特需求,但大多數情況下,這些計劃對於大多數度假的旅行者來說太窄了。 如果滿足以下要求,上述任何計劃也可能有資格 在進入多個歐洲國家之一時 獲得申根簽證: 醫療緊急情況的承保額必須至少為 30,000 歐元(約 50,000 美元)並且對所有申根國家有效。 必須涵蓋任何醫療、住院、醫療後送和醫療遣返美國的費用。 必須說明醫療後送、醫療送返和遺體送返的事實 僅接受您的醫療保健提供者出具的保險確認書。不接受您雇主的確認信。 綜合計劃 綜合計劃是最常見的。 根據我們的經驗,超過 90% 的旅行者選擇此選項。 這些計劃結合了 Travel Medical 計劃的所有好處和旅行取消選項。 行程取消選項讓您能夠在行程開始前取消行程,並獲得 100% 的不可退還的預付行程費用的報銷。旅行取消的承保原因有很多(查看您的保險證明以查看所有承保的原因),但最常見的是突然生病或受傷阻止您旅行。這通常也適用於您的家人和旅伴。 如果您的旅伴或家人生病或受傷,您可以取消行程。符合條件的家庭成員因承運人而異,因此請查看您的保險證明以確定哪些家庭成員包括在行程取消承保範圍內。 如果您的醫療狀況在回溯期內以任何方式得到治療或改變,在某些情況下,您可能仍有資格獲得旅行取消保險,即購買包含既往醫療狀況豁免的計劃。為避免風險,您必須在支付旅行的初始押金後 10-21 天內(取決於保險公司)購買旅行保險。 即使您在最後一次付款前或在最後一次付款後 1 天內購買旅行保險,也有一些計劃可以為您提供預先存在的醫療狀況豁免。我們的軟件將幫助您輕鬆解決這個問題。另請注意,原有疾病豁免的額外要求是,保險金額必須不少於您不可退還的預付旅行費用的 100%。總體而言,綜合計劃選項可在您旅行前和旅行期間提供最高保護,涵蓋旅行取消和中斷、旅行延誤、錯過轉機、醫療緊急情況、醫療和非醫療後送、行李丟失或延誤、24 小時援助等. 行程取消選項通常是人們購買保險的主要原因,但它給保險公司帶來的風險最高,因此會給您帶來最大的保險費用。 為了限制因醫療原因取消旅行時保險提供者面臨的風險,保險公司引入了預先存在的醫療條件條款。 既存疾病被歸類為您在購買旅行保險之前“x”天內接受過治療的醫療問題。不同的保險公司設置了不同的“x”天——這被認為是回溯期。 有限計劃或旅行醫療 這些計劃為您提供主要但不僅限於在您本國以外旅行時的醫療保險。當您在國外時,您的常規健康保險很可能只提供非常有限的承保範圍或根本沒有承保範圍,而旅行醫療計劃旨在填補您旅行過程中的這一空白。與購買包含旅行取消保險的綜合計劃相比,購買此類計劃的主要好處是成本。根據您的實際選擇和承保限制,旅行醫療計劃的費用可能只是綜合計劃費用的一小部分。 一些 Travel Medical 計劃還可能對旅行中斷、旅行延誤、行李、醫療緊急情況和疏散提供全額承保,而其他計劃可能只對醫療緊急情況和疏散提供承保。一些 Travel Medical 計劃的人壽保險範圍也可能有限。 旅行醫療計劃與綜合計劃具有相同或相似的條款預先存在的醫療條件。大多數情況下,您可以在支付旅行的初始押金後 10-21 天內(取決於保險公司)購買旅行保險來避免風險。我們的軟件將幫助您輕鬆解決這個問題。 一些旅行醫療計劃可能提供可更新的保護以及長期出國旅行的承保。 請注意,當您出國旅行時,您的健康保險可能不承保。許多私營公司以及醫療保險和醫療補助計劃不承保國外的緊急治療。如果沒有旅行保險,如果發生緊急情況,您和您的家人可能會產生需要自掏腰包的醫療費用。 這些旅行醫療計劃通常在 3 種情況下 選擇: 1 2 3 出發前所剩時間不多,取消行程的可能性很小,您願意承擔風險 您身體健康,具有較高的風險承受能力。降低保險費用的好處大於旅行賠錢的風險 旅行非常重要以至於無法取消旅行的罕見情況。只有重傷才能阻止您旅行,但不會因疾病而阻止您旅行。您必須具有一定的風險承受能力。 專業計劃 如果您不關心旅行取消或醫療費用,或者不想承擔綜合計劃的費用,但確實想減輕某些特定風險,那麼有可能最適合您的特殊計劃。 這些可能是 僅限航班 意外死亡或肢解 避難專用 租車計劃 疏散計劃側重於緊急疏散,通常以會員身份每年出售一次。有了疏散計劃,公司會安排運輸,您不會因為昂貴的緊急疏散而損失儲蓄。 事故計劃為旅行者提供人壽保險式的保障。如果您受到嚴重傷害,導致肢解或喪生,它會支付福利。這些意外計劃支付的福利是在單獨的人壽保險計劃支付的任何福利之外的。

  • Seven Corners | Travel with Insurance

    2021 年福布斯 5 星級旅遊保險提供商 七角獲得福布斯 2021 年最佳旅遊保險公司之一的完美 5 星評級。福布斯將七角歸功於其 100 萬美元的一流緊急醫療後送保險、慷慨的錯過連接和旅行延誤補償以及選擇增加體育和活動的覆蓋範圍。 Visit website 為什麼選擇 七角公司 Seven Corners, Inc. 於 1993 年開始向全球社區提供國際醫療保險。該公司由國際保險專業人士創立,致力於提供客戶服務,並相信公眾在購買國際保險時值得信賴。 今天,客戶包括國際旅行者、美國政府機構、外國政府和公司。憑藉基於創新產品和定制服務水平的商業模式,七角始終超越客戶的需求和期望。 七個角落團隊相信社區 - 在工作、家庭和全球範圍內。一種文化與他們渴望將社區意識擴展到無論他們身在何處的客戶的願望密切相關。這可以像指導客戶選擇滿足其需求的最佳福利一樣簡單,也可以像管理跨越半個地球的緊急醫療後送一樣複雜。 綜合計劃 Seven Corners Trip Protection (for U.S Residents) Seven Corners Trip Protection has high levels of protection for trip expenses, medical expenses, and emergency medical evacuation. It also includes primary medical coverage, political/security evacuation, and a long list of covered reasons for trip cancellation and interruption. With Cancel for Any Reason (optional), Interruption for Any Reason, rental car damage, sports equipment rental, and event ticket protection options, you can customize your plan to ensure you have the coverage you need. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: United States Fire Insurance Company 旅行醫療計劃 Seven Corners Travel Medical Insurance - Including USA International Travel to the USA. These plans include customizable medical coverage, a network of medical providers, and 24-hour travel assistance, Covid will be treated same as any Illness on both plans. ​ Examples of eligible purchases for Travel Including the USA A non-U.S. resident and non-U.S. citizen is traveling to the USA. A non-U.S. resident and non-U.S. citizens is spending part of their trip in the USA. An Irish citizen and resident is flying to Mexico and has a layover in the USA. A Mexican citizen and resident is driving through the USA to Canada. ​ 2 Plan Levels available Basic Plan Seven Corners Travel Medical Choice Travel Medical Group Plans The plan covers typical vacation activities. If you plan to participate in more adventurous activities when you travel, consider buying additional optional coverage that includes: Bungee jumping; caving; hang gliding; jet skiing; motorcycle or motor scooter riding whether as a passenger or a driver; parachuting; paragliding; parasailing; scuba diving only to a depth of 10 meters with a breathing apparatus provided that you are SSI, PADI or NAUI certified; snowmobiling; spelunking; wakeboard riding; water skiing; windsurfing; or zip lining. You must purchase this optional coverage if you wish to be covered while riding a motorcycle, motor scooter, or similar transportation when such transportation is an established and accepted routine means of public transportation for hire in the specific geographic area where you are located in the host country. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: Crum & Forster SPC Seven Corners Travel Medical Insurance - Excluding USA International Travel outside of the USA. These plans include customizable medical coverage, a network of medical providers, and 24-hour travel assistance, along with the option to add COVID-19 coverage through their Plus plan. Examples of eligible purchases for Travel Excluding the USA A U.S. resident is traveling outside the USA. A non-U.S. resident and non-U.S. citizen is traveling outside the USA. A French citizen and resident is flying to Iceland and returning home. An Australian citizen and resident is flying to Europe, Africa, and Canada. ​ 2 Plan Levels Basic, Choice Choice covers COVID in two tiers Same as any illness up to Age 65 Up to $100,000 for Ages 66 and up Travel Medical Group Plans The plan covers typical vacation activities. If you plan to participate in more adventurous activities when you travel, consider buying additional optional coverage that includes: Bungee jumping; caving; hang gliding; jet skiing; motorcycle or motor scooter riding whether as a passenger or a driver; parachuting; paragliding; parasailing; scuba diving only to a depth of 10 meters with a breathing apparatus provided that you are SSI, PADI or NAUI certified; snowmobiling; spelunking; wakeboard riding; water skiing; windsurfing; or zip lining. You must purchase this optional coverage if you wish to be covered while riding a motorcycle, motor scooter, or similar transportation when such transportation is an established and accepted routine means of public transportation for hire in the specific geographic area where you are located in the host country. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: Lloyd’s of London and in specific scenarios Tramont Insurance Company Seven Corners Travel Medical Annual Multi -Trip Seven Corners Travel Medical— Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance Annual travel insurance with Coronavirus coverage. Includes 24 hour multilingual travel assistance, help finding a doctor, and evacuation if necessary. Wander Frequent Traveler Plus also includes $1 million of additional coverage for emergency medical evacuation and repatriation. Purchase coverage once a year and travel as often as you like for unlimited trips up to 30, 45, 60 days per trip Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: Lloyd’s, London and Tramont Seven Corners Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Annual Travel Insurance for evacuation covers travel to the United States (not for USA citizens). Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: Lloyd’s, London 專業計劃 J Visa Compliance Travel Medical Insurance You and your dependents must live outside your home country* while covered. The J-1 visa holder must remain in official status through full-time educational or research activities. You can buy coverage for your dependents, including your legal spouse and unmarried children over 14 days and under 21 years of age if they are wholly dependent upon you for maintenance and support Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: Lloyd’s, London Student Plans Travel Medical If you’re traveling abroad to study or work, prepare for safe travel and ensure you meet the requirements of your school, visa program, and host country with Seven Corners Travel Medical Insurance. Our plans provide medical coverage for illnesses or injuries that occur while you’re traveling, as well as limited protection for pre-existing conditions. You’ll also receive access to a network of medical providers and 24-hour multilingual travel assistance. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: Lloyd’s, London 訪問他們的網站,了解所有可用的計劃和福利 訪問網站 想投保 七個角? 我們相信社區 - 在 工作、家庭和全球範圍內 七角公司的 聯繫方式 > 客戶服務 800-335-0611 >營業時間 美國東部時間工作日上午 8 點至晚上 10 點, 美國東部時間週末上午 10 點至晚上 8 點 >理賠工作時間: 美國東部時間上午 8:00 - 下午 5:00,工作日 > 理賠聯繫方式 電話:800-335-0477 傳真:317-575-2256 >郵寄地址 七角公司 轉交索賠 303國會大道 卡梅爾,印第安納州 46032 索賠電子郵件 延長或更新覆蓋範圍 供應商索賠網站 緊急援助 提出索賠 找醫生/醫院

  • Insurance Glossary | Travel with Insurance

    需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? Do I need Travel Insurance? Travel is unpredictable, even at the best of times. Travel insurance helps to protect you against the unexpected. If your trip is canceled unexpectedly or ends early, would you be able to easily accept the financial loss? Or, if someone in your party required evacuation due to a medical issue, could you cover that expense? Travel insurance can help with these concerns and many more. Why is comparing travel insurance important? Travel insurance is unique and varies depending on the details of your trip. The best policy covers only what you need at a price that fits your budget. You can compare dozens of providers on our site using our comparison engine, filtering for only the specific coverage options you want. If you need help, our licensed travel insurance agents can assist you in comparing plans and reading the fine print for you to help explain the exclusions. What coverage do I need? That depends entirely on you. Are there pre-paid, non-refundable trip costs you are unwilling to lose? What unpredictable expenses would you not be able to cover? Reasons that might cause an unexpected cancellation? Different plans and options are available for various concerns and coverages that you may need. Does travel insurance cover covid 19 illness? There are some USA Covid travel insurance plans available for travel that cover covid 19 as a new illness. International travelers can compare best Covid travel insurance plans and buy it online. These US covid travel insurance plans are available for visitors to the US, US citizens and US residents traveling abroad as well as non US travelers traveling outside their home country. What you need to know about travel exclusions If pandemics or epidemics aren’t always excluded why are people getting surprised by their policy’s coverage? For the most part, people are not cancelling their trips because there are illnesses in the world. There have always been serious illnesses in different places and most people have opted not to go to those places. Instead, you’re likely being forced to change your travel plans due to any one or a combination of these common Travel Insurance Exclusions: A government regulation, mandate or prohibition Failure of any tour operator, common carrier, person or agency to provide the bargained-for travel arrangements. If a travel supplier changes the itinerary, but still gives you a similar trip or a future travel credit or waives the change fees, there’s no payable claim. Changes in plans by the Insured, a Family Member, or Traveling Companion, for any not-covered reason; unless the optional Cancel for Any Reason coverage was purchased. Fear, worry, concern about something that might happen on the trip. Read this if your doctor’s suggesting you don’t take your trip: Don’t Cancel for Your Own Medical Reasons If You’re Not Ill or Injured What's the difference between travel insurance and travel medical insurance? Travel insurance is a great way to protect your financial investment for your trip. Travel benefits can provide coverage for prepaid, non-refundable trip costs and some plans also offer limited medical coverage benefits. Travel medical insurance is primarily used for short term medical coverage when you are traveling outside of your home country. Your domestic insurance plan often does not provide coverage for you in foreign countries. If you were to fall ill or get in an accident, you could have to pay out-of-pocket for those expenses. Travel Insurance may provide coverage* for items such as: Prepaid, non-refundable expenses Trip cancellation** Travel delay Trip interruption Lost or stolen luggage Emergency medical evacuation* Accident and sickness medical expenses* How Travel, Trip, Cruise Cancellation Insurance Works" Trip Cancellation Insurance coverage: You, a close family member or a traveling companion gets hurt or sick before you leave (your medical records must substantiate what happened to you). Travel Insurance reimburses you the money you lose. This may include pre-existing medical conditions. Other events that could cause you to cancel your trip are: you’re required to work or natural disasters. Trip Interruption Insurance coverage: You, a close family member or a traveling companion gets hurt or sick during your trip and you have to return home early. Before the trip it’s trip cancellation. During the trip it’s trip interruption. Our plans provide coverage for the unused value of your trip and the cost of one-way airfare up to the plan’s limit. Emergency Medical & Evacuation Insurance coverage: You get ill or injured (ie – hit by a cement truck) on your trip. Travel Insurance can reimburse you your medical expenses including medical transportation home. Our plans won’t leave you in a foreign country. See why Medicare doesn’t cover you outside the USA. A Trip Delay forces you to have extra meal and accommodation expenses when you are delayed up to 6 or 12 hours (varies by plan) getting to your destination or returning home as scheduled. Your luggage is delayed, lost, stolen or damaged. If your checked luggage doesn’t arrive within 12 or 24 hours (varies by plan), you may be reimbursed for items you need to buy. Or if it’s damaged or never arrives, most policies provide coverage. You are able to get a “Cancel For Any Reason” plan to cover any possible reason to cancel your trip including: you change your mind, you’re afraid to travel, you just don’t want to go. Is the coverage offered by my credit card sufficient? Enter your answer here Do you need trip cancellation? Trip insurance (also called Trip Cancellation or Comprehensive Travel Insurance) covers cancellations, interruptions, baggage, delays, medical, evacuation, and more. Travel Insurance with Trip Cancellation coverage will reimburse you for the amount of pre-paid, non-refundable travel expenses (e.g. airline, cruise, train, hotel, etc.) that you have insured, should you cancel your trip before departure for an unforeseen covered reason. Check out these plans below! Trip Cancellation | Travel with Insurance Are you looking for travel insurance for sports / adventure travel? We've got the perfect plans! Check these out our recommended travel insurance plans below Are you traveling long term? Expatriates, Marine Crew, Missionary? We have narrowed down your search to these recommended plans for you to select from. Are you a student looking for travel insurance? As an international student, peace of mind is a priority when you study abroad. Your educational adventure or cultural exchange program should be an enjoyable experience. These plans are designed to specifically meet the needs of international students, scholars, and people involved in long-term educational and cultural exchange programs. Plans that offer a robust package of benefits while outside your home country. Do you need help with a claim? Please send us your full name, contact details and most importantly - your policy number so that our team can assist you promptly! Are you traveling in a group? Looking for the best rates? We've got you covered! Group travel insurance policies offer comprehensive benefits to cover travelers' main concerns, including Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical, Medical Evacuation, and Travel Delay coverage. Check out our recommended plans below Are you going on a cruise? Need the best coverage? Now that sounds like an adventure! Let's get you covered with the best travel insurance plans available. . There are often cancellation penalties tied to travel purchases, especially cruise trips, and you could get a portion of your trip costs back or none at all. Those penalties tend to get more severe as the departure date gets closer. This is where Trip Cancellation coverage can help you. Check out our recommended cruise insurance plans below Do you need medical evacuation and repatriation plans? This type of plan covers the expenses and associated services for your emergency medical evacuation or repatriation back to your home country. Are you still unsure which plan is best for you? That's ok! We're here to help! If you're anything like us and enjoy speaking to a human, please leave your name and best way to contact you and one of our friendly TWI agents will reach out to you. We will help you go through the various options and best insurance plans for your trip. Or alternatively, send us an email with your trip details and we will assist you personally in getting the perfect plan for your trip. Traveling to Costa Rica? Such a beautiful place! We've got you covered! Check out these travel insurance plans specifically designed for traveling to Costa Rica. A Annual Multi-Trip Plan Provides coverage for all trips made within a year. B Baggage and Personal Effects Coverage Covers a policy holder’s baggage, passport, credit cards, and personal effects. Benefits The amount a beneficiary receives from the insurance provider after a claim has been filed. Benefit Period The period of time during which the insured receives compensation from their insurance company for medical purposes, and can vary from policy to policy. For example, one policy may state that your benefit period begins the day you are hospitalized for a serious illness and ends 30 days after you stop receiving treatment. C Co-Insurance or Co-Pay Refers to the amount paid by the policy holder after payment of the deductible is completed. Common Carrier Any land, sea, or air conveyance operating under a valid license for the transportation of passengers for hire. Continuous Coverage Health insurance coverage that is not interrupted by a lapse of a predetermined number of days. Coverage Area The geographical region where an insurance policy is in effect. Covered Expenses Expenses that the insurance company agrees to cover based on the insurance policy purchased. A summary of “covered expenses” will be listed in the Schedule of Benefits. Covered Reasons The specific situations and events that are covered by a specific coverage or policy. D Deductible The amount a policy holder is required to pay before the insurance provider starts making payment. It can be a yearly amount, an amount based on the duration of the policy, or amount based on incident. Death Benefit (Survivor Benefit) The total compensation that is paid to the beneficiary of the life insurance plan when the insured passes away. Dependent Usually a spouse and/or children who are legally dependent on the insured. Depending on the insurance plan, dependents may qualify for insurance coverage on the insured’s policy. E Emergency Benefits Provides coverage for expenses incurred when a person is transported to a place where they receive immediate medical attention. Evacuation: Emergency Evacuation Categories Emergency medical evacuation (to the nearest qualified medical facility that can handle the medical condition) Medical due to outbreaks, epidemics The threat of natural disaster Political evacuation due to civil unrest (treated separately) Includes expenses for reasonable transportation (either public transport or private as reasonable based on the condition) resulting from the evacuation; and the cost of returning to either the home country or the country where the evacuation occurred. Sometimes includes remote transportation in the event of a diagnosis of a critical medical condition that is not necessarily immediately life-threatening, but severe enough that it could result in death or a permanent disability if not treated right away. Any medical treatment (after any deductibles) is usually paid from your medical insurance benefit. May also include an Emergency Reunion Benefit, or Return of Minor Children. Emergency Reunion Coverage Covers the traveling and accommodation expenses incurred when a friend or family member of an ill or injured policy holder travels to visit them. Exclusions Expenses the insurance provider will not cover, and they usually include expenses that result from participation in high-risk sports or recreational activities. Effective Date The date when the insurance coverage becomes effective. Elimination Period (Waiting Period) the period of time between the insured’s accident and the arrival of benefit payments. For example, if you broke your leg in January and received your first benefit payment in February, the elimination period would be one month. Epidemic An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely and that is identified as an epidemic by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Exclusions Cases under which an insurance provider does not provide coverage to the insured. For example, an insurance company may include an exclusion for car accidents if the insured is driving under the influence. Expatriate Insurance Expat insurance policies designed to cover financial losses that expatriates face while living and working in a country other than their own. F Family Plans Plans that cover every member of a family who is traveling, and they usually come with discounted rates. G Grace Period A period of time after an insurance premium payment is due during which the insured can fully enjoy the insurance coverage without incurring an additional fee. Grace periods can range from 24 hours to 30 days, and after their expiration, the insured will be required to pay an additional fee. H Hazardous Sports and Activities Coverage Refers to coverage of medical expenses incurred to treat a policy holder who becomes injured because of participation in hazardous sports and activities, such as: sky diving, scuba diving, or rock climbing HIPAA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This is also known as the Kassebaum-Kennedy Act enacted by the US Congress in 1996. It includes basic requirements for health insurance privacy and portability of health insurance, thus avoiding the exclusion of coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. Hospital Indemnity Hospital indemnity will provide $$ for each night you spend in the hospital as an inpatient when receiving treatment for a covered illness or injury. Hospital indemnity benefits are typically not subject to a deductible or coinsurance and are in addition to the payments for other covered expenses. I Insured The individual who is covered by the travel insurance policy. Individual Plans Plans that provide coverage for only one person. Inflation Protection A feature of certain insurance policies whereby the value of benefits increases by a certain, pre-defined percentage during specific time periods to assure that insurance coverage grows at the same pace as inflation. Insurance Provider Network The grouping of hospitals, doctors, and other health care providers that the insured will receive the maximum insurance coverage from working with. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) – an insurance provider plan that typically limits customers to receiving insurance coverage only when working with one specific network provider. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO, or Participating Provider Organization) – an organization of hospitals, doctors, and other health care providers who have agreed to provide health care at reduced rates to clients of a particular insurance provider. Healthcare providers who fall into your provider’s PPO are often referred to as “In-Network” providers, while healthcare providers outside of your insurance provider’s PPO are referred to as “Out of Network” providers, and will typically cost you much more than in-network providers. In-Network, Out-of-Network Medical facilities and practitioners that have contracted with the insurance companies to provide discounted rates, direct billing, and other services are considered In-Network (See more about Doctor Networks). Those facilities that have not contracted are considered “Out-of-Network.” The insured will typically save money by using “In-Network” providers and facilities. In-patient A patient admitted for at least a 24-hour residence (or at least overnight) in a medical facility where he is being treated. Insurance Broker An agency or individual who works as an intermediary between a person wanting insurance and one or more insurance companies to guide them in the purchase of insurance. (See Why Work with an International InsuranceBroker) IPMI International Private Medical Insurance or Global Health insurance. J K L Lost Luggage Secondary coverage that is paid when a policy holder’s checked luggage is permanently lost. Aka Loss/Theft, if there is damage to, or loss of, or theft of your checked or stored baggage or personal items (Defined as suitcases, clothing, toiletries, books, photo equipment, mobile phones, and laptops) by a common carrier, or while stored with your hotel. It will also usually include coverage for the replacement costs of travel documents, and sometimes bag tracking. May, or may not, include delayed baggage. Lifetime Maximum The maximum amount an insurance company will pay for all benefits received. The usual limits are $1,000,000; $3,000,000 or $5,000,000 but may be greater or, in some cases, unlimited. Loss Injury or damage sustained by you in consequence of the happening of one or more of the occurrences against which the company has undertaken to indemnify you. M Maximum Policy Coverage Refers to the maximum compensation that will be paid for expenses covered by a policy. Medical Evacuation (MedEvac, medivac) Timely and efficient evacuation and in-route care of ill or injured persons, usually by air transportation, to a place where they can receive adequate medical care. Medically Necessary Treatment that’s appropriate for your illness or injury, consistent with your symptoms, and that can safely be provided to you. It meets the standards of good medical practice and isn’t for your convenience or the provider’s convenience. N Non-Refundable Travel Expenses These are expenses paid for a trip that cannot be reimbursed, and they include accommodation deposits and airline tickets. Natural disaster A large-scale extreme weather or environmental event that damages property, disrupts transportation, or endangers people. Examples include earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, or volcanic eruptions. O Online Fulfillment Electronic communication of Medical ID card, certificate or indication of coverage, information on the policy purchased, how to file a claim, and the insurance company’s contact information. Outpatient A patient who receives medical treatment at a clinic or hospital, but is not admitted for an overnight stay. Out-of-Pocket Expense The total amount that you will pay towards your medical expenses. P Pre-Existing Conditions Refers to medical conditions of policy holders that existed before the insurance policies were purchased: Usually, insurance providers will only provide minimal or no coverage for expenses related to such conditions. Premium The amount paid to purchase a travel insurance plan. The payment can be made in advance, once every month or year, or before every trip. Primary Coverage Form of coverage provides insurance for the policy holder even though you have other coverage. Policy Year The amount of time from the effective date of the policy that comprises one full year. For example, if the effective date begins April 14, 2009, the policy year will end at midnight, April 13, 2010. Political Evacuation Often lumped together with non-medical or security evacuation, political evacuation is for situations where one is either trapped, or expelled, or at risk due to civil uprisings, riots, military coups, political unrest, or being identified as a “persona non grata” in the country you are visiting. Security evacuations (necessary for impending natural disasters, etc.) are different from political evacuations. Political evacuations are for situations of political instability, civil unrest, or military action. Coverage is sometimes dependent on the United States Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, or similar government organization of the insured person’s home country, ordering the evacuation of all non-emergency government personnel from the host country. Pre-certification The need to check with the insurance company before receiving medical care, generally for major medical procedures, to confirm if the medical care received will be covered by the insurance company. Premium Payment for insurance, the amount paid by the insured to the insurance company for health insurance coverage. Preventive Care Medical care given in advance of symptoms to prevent illness or injury. Generally includes emphasis on healthy behavior, regular testing, screening for diseases, routine physical examinations, and immunizations. Q Quarantine Mandatory isolation or restrictions on where you can go, intended to stop a contagious disease from spreading. R Rental Car Insurance Covers theft or damage of a car rented by a policy holder during their trip. It also covers the damage and injury sustained by other people if the policy holder causes an accident. Repatriation Benefit Refers to the coverage of expenses for preparing and sending the deceased person’s body to their own country Rider (Waiver) A formal written statement by the insurance company to the insured amending and modifying coverage, e.g., adding or excluding coverage. It could involve waiving coverage for a certain medical condition like cancer, hepatitis or adding coverage for such conditions. S Secondary Coverage Only offers insurance for expenses not included in the primary coverage. Single Trip Plan A policy that provides coverage for only one trip Schedule of Benefits (SOB) A list of the benefits, amount of coverage provided in an insurance policy, usually one or two pages in length. Scheduled Departure Date The date on which you are originally scheduled to leave on the trip. Scheduled Return Date The date on which you are originally scheduled to return to the point of origin or to a different final destination. Sickness An illness or disease which is diagnosed or treated by a physician after the effective date of insurance and while you are covered under the policy. Subrogation Steps the travel insurance company takes, after paying a claim, to collect from other available sources such as other insurance plans or travel suppliers. T ​​​​​Travel Assistance Services Refers to assistance available to a policy holder when they experiences difficulty in a foreign location. It includes: 24-hour emergency phone services, legal assistance, visa and passport assistance, and others. Travel Supplier Bankruptcy or Default Refers to coverage of expenses incurred when a travel supplier goes bankrupt or defaults from providing travel services. Trip Interruption Insurance Provides coverage for policy holders who interrupt or cancel their trips because of acceptable reasons such as injury, illness, death of a relative, flight problem, and others. Terrorism Terrorismis an act or threat of action by a person or group of people, whether acting alone or in connection with an organisation or government, committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes intended to influence any government or to frighten the public or any section of it. An 'action' means: violence, damage to property, putting life in danger, creating a public health risk, or disrupting electronic systems or transport services. Trip Cancellation Provides reimbursement for non-refundable trip payments and deposits if a trip is canceled for illness, death, or other specific unforeseen circumstances. The “trip cancellation” benefit covers you in the event you have to cancel prior to your trip due to a covered reason listed in your travel insurance policy prior to your departure date. Trip Interruption Trip interruption plans typically reimburse you for pre-paid non-refundable travel expenses if an unexpected crisis (e.g., death of a family member, sickness, airline strike, travel supplier bankruptcy, among other crises) occurs during your trip causing it to be canceled, interrupted or delayed. U Usual, Customary, and Reasonable Charges Average amounts charged by travel insurance providers for certain services, treatments, or procedures in the same locality. Underwriter (1) The company that receives the insurance premium and accepts the responsibility to cover medical costs; (2) The employee in an insurance company who decides whether or not the insurance company should assume the risk of offering the insurance to an individual or group; (3) An insurance agent. Usual, Reasonable & Customary (UCR) The amount an insurance company will pay for a covered medical expense based on the customary charges of all medical providers in a given geographic area for a similar service. V Valuables Jewellery, watches, glasses (including sun glasses), contact lenses, keys, hearing aids, any electric, electrical or electronic items or equipment including their accessories (e.g. mobile phones, laptops, games consoles, portable audio equipment, portable visual equipment, memory sticks, chargers, dongles), any kind of photographic or recording equipment and their accessories (including CDs, DVDs, tapes etc), items made of or containing precious metals or (semi) precious stones, furs, animal skins, antiques, binoculars, telescopes, musical instruments. W Waiting Period A period of time the insured must wait before some or all of the coverages offered in an insurance plan begin and the insured can receive benefits. Waiver (Rider) A formal written statement by the insurance company to the insured amending and modifying coverage, e.g., adding or excluding coverage. It could involve waiving coverage for a certain medical condition like cancer, hepatitis or adding coverage for such conditions. Wellness Benefit (Preventive Care, Well-care) Medical care given in advance of symptoms to prevent illness or injury. Generally includes emphasis on healthy behavior, regular testing, screening for diseases, routine physical examinations and immunizations. X Y Z

  • Group Travel Insurance | Travel with Insurance

    需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? 我們提供各種形式的團體旅行保險計劃,來自我們的各種首選供應商。 > 綜合計劃 這些計劃是為許多不同類型的旅行團體設計的。大多數都提供旅行取消、中斷、行李、醫療、牙科、緊急疏散、24 小時旅行援助、行李延誤、旅行延誤和意外死亡保險。 > 旅行醫療計劃 這些計劃是為許多不同類型的旅行團體設計的,並提供長達一年的旅行醫療保險。其中一些包括疏散、飛行、意外死亡、有限行李和旅行中斷的保險。 > 意外死亡計劃 意外死亡和傷殘 (AD&D) 計劃專為單次旅行的旅行者設計,但也可以每年為個人、企業或團體制定。 AD&D 計劃在旅行期間遭受生命損失或肢解傷害的情況下提供保護。這些計劃的福利限額最高可達 2000 萬美元。 > 為 團體旅行投保 一個由 10 人或更多人組成的旅行團體可能有自己的一套需求。如果您有 10 人或以上的團體,在同一出發和返回日期前往同一目的地,請致電並與團體旅行保險代表交談。他們將指導您選擇最適合您和您的聚會的計劃。 需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? Atlas Travel Group Insurance 10% reduced rate for families and groups of 5 or more. It offers coverage for unexpected medical expenses - including COVID-19-related expenses - and an Emergency Medical Evacuation benefit. ​ Missionary groups traveling to provide aid to local communities Student groups studying abroad or taking a trip overseas Organizations whose members travel worldwide Families and friend groups of 5 or more travelers looking to save money by purchasing a group plan Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 GeoBlue Voyager Choice Group Plan 10% discount on groups of 5 or more. Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles. For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*. Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment. Post-departure trip interruption up to $500. Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation. Requires a primary health plan Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724

  • Travel Alerts & Warnings | Travel with Insurance

    需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? 當長期、持久的狀況使一個國家變得危險或不穩定並導緻美國國務院建議美國人避免或考慮前往該國家旅行的風險時,就會發出旅行警告和警報。當美國政府協助美國公民的能力因大使館或領事館關閉或其工作人員縮編而受到限制時,也會發布此類通知。 選擇您的大陸/國家 美國 澳大利亞 非洲 加拿大 中國 法國 德國 印度 日本 墨西哥 荷蘭 新西蘭 西班牙 瑞士 英國 南非 哥斯達黎加 泰國 選擇您的大陸/國家 美國 澳大利亞 非洲 加拿大 中國 法國 德國 印度 日本 墨西哥 荷蘭 新西蘭 西班牙 瑞士 英國 南非 哥斯達黎加 泰國 選擇您的大陸/國家 美國 澳大利亞 非洲 加拿大 中國 法國 德國 印度 日本 墨西哥 荷蘭 新西蘭 西班牙 瑞士 英國 南非 哥斯達黎加 泰國 官方旅遊信息網站 美國國務院 美國護照和國際旅行 國際旅行警告 美國大使館、領事館和外交使團 美國智能旅行者註冊計劃 CDC 旅行者健康 世界衛生組織 國際旅行與健康 OSAC 外交安全局 英國政府歐洲旅遊信息 加拿大政府旅遊諮詢 新西蘭安全旅行 澳大利亞智能旅行者 愛爾蘭外交部 按國家/地區分類的項目簽證 官方旅遊信息網站 美國國務院 美國護照和國際旅行 國際旅行警告 美國大使館、領事館和外交使團 美國智能旅行者註冊計劃 CDC 旅行者健康 世界衛生組織 國際旅行與健康 OSAC 外交安全局 英國政府歐洲旅遊信息 加拿大政府旅遊諮詢 新西蘭安全旅行 澳大利亞智能旅行者 愛爾蘭外交部 按國家/地區分類的項目簽證 Additional resources for inquiries about the Coronavirus ​ U.S. Department of State World Health Organization Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  • FAQ | Travel with Insurance

    常見問題解答 經常問的問題 Do I need Travel Insurance? Travel is unpredictable, even at the best of times. Travel insurance helps to protect you against the unexpected. If your trip is canceled unexpectedly or ends early, would you be able to easily accept the financial loss? Or, if someone in your party required evacuation due to a medical issue, could you cover that expense? Travel insurance can help with these concerns and many more. Why is comparing travel insurance important? Travel insurance is unique and varies depending on the details of your trip. The best policy covers only what you need at a price that fits your budget. You can compare dozens of providers on our site using our comparison engine, filtering for only the specific coverage options you want. If you need help, our licensed travel insurance agents can assist you in comparing plans and reading the fine print for you to help explain the exclusions. What coverage do I need? That depends entirely on you. Are there pre-paid, non-refundable trip costs you are unwilling to lose? What unpredictable expenses would you not be able to cover? Reasons that might cause an unexpected cancellation? Different plans and options are available for various concerns and coverages that you may need. Does travel insurance cover covid 19 illness? There are some USA Covid travel insurance plans available for travel that cover covid 19 as a new illness. International travelers can compare best Covid travel insurance plans and buy it online. These US covid travel insurance plans are available for visitors to the US, US citizens and US residents traveling abroad as well as non US travelers traveling outside their home country. What you need to know about travel exclusions If pandemics or epidemics aren’t always excluded why are people getting surprised by their policy’s coverage? For the most part, people are not cancelling their trips because there are illnesses in the world. There have always been serious illnesses in different places and most people have opted not to go to those places. Instead, you’re likely being forced to change your travel plans due to any one or a combination of these common Travel Insurance Exclusions: A government regulation, mandate or prohibition Failure of any tour operator, common carrier, person or agency to provide the bargained-for travel arrangements. If a travel supplier changes the itinerary, but still gives you a similar trip or a future travel credit or waives the change fees, there’s no payable claim. Changes in plans by the Insured, a Family Member, or Traveling Companion, for any not-covered reason; unless the optional Cancel for Any Reason coverage was purchased. Fear, worry, concern about something that might happen on the trip. Read this if your doctor’s suggesting you don’t take your trip: Don’t Cancel for Your Own Medical Reasons If You’re Not Ill or Injured What's the difference between travel insurance and travel medical insurance? Travel insurance is a great way to protect your financial investment for your trip. Travel benefits can provide coverage for prepaid, non-refundable trip costs and some plans also offer limited medical coverage benefits. Travel medical insurance is primarily used for short term medical coverage when you are traveling outside of your home country. Your domestic insurance plan often does not provide coverage for you in foreign countries. If you were to fall ill or get in an accident, you could have to pay out-of-pocket for those expenses. Travel Insurance may provide coverage* for items such as: Prepaid, non-refundable expenses Trip cancellation** Travel delay Trip interruption Lost or stolen luggage Emergency medical evacuation* Accident and sickness medical expenses* How Travel, Trip, Cruise Cancellation Insurance Works" Trip Cancellation Insurance coverage: You, a close family member or a traveling companion gets hurt or sick before you leave (your medical records must substantiate what happened to you). Travel Insurance reimburses you the money you lose. This may include pre-existing medical conditions. Other events that could cause you to cancel your trip are: you’re required to work or natural disasters. Trip Interruption Insurance coverage: You, a close family member or a traveling companion gets hurt or sick during your trip and you have to return home early. Before the trip it’s trip cancellation. During the trip it’s trip interruption. Our plans provide coverage for the unused value of your trip and the cost of one-way airfare up to the plan’s limit. Emergency Medical & Evacuation Insurance coverage: You get ill or injured (ie – hit by a cement truck) on your trip. Travel Insurance can reimburse you your medical expenses including medical transportation home. Our plans won’t leave you in a foreign country. See why Medicare doesn’t cover you outside the USA. A Trip Delay forces you to have extra meal and accommodation expenses when you are delayed up to 6 or 12 hours (varies by plan) getting to your destination or returning home as scheduled. Your luggage is delayed, lost, stolen or damaged. If your checked luggage doesn’t arrive within 12 or 24 hours (varies by plan), you may be reimbursed for items you need to buy. Or if it’s damaged or never arrives, most policies provide coverage. You are able to get a “Cancel For Any Reason” plan to cover any possible reason to cancel your trip including: you change your mind, you’re afraid to travel, you just don’t want to go. Is the coverage offered by my credit card sufficient? Enter your answer here Do you need trip cancellation? Trip insurance (also called Trip Cancellation or Comprehensive Travel Insurance) covers cancellations, interruptions, baggage, delays, medical, evacuation, and more. Travel Insurance with Trip Cancellation coverage will reimburse you for the amount of pre-paid, non-refundable travel expenses (e.g. airline, cruise, train, hotel, etc.) that you have insured, should you cancel your trip before departure for an unforeseen covered reason. Check out these plans below! Trip Cancellation | Travel with Insurance Are you looking for travel insurance for sports / adventure travel? We've got the perfect plans! Check these out our recommended travel insurance plans below Are you traveling long term? Expatriates, Marine Crew, Missionary? We have narrowed down your search to these recommended plans for you to select from. Are you a student looking for travel insurance? As an international student, peace of mind is a priority when you study abroad. Your educational adventure or cultural exchange program should be an enjoyable experience. These plans are designed to specifically meet the needs of international students, scholars, and people involved in long-term educational and cultural exchange programs. Plans that offer a robust package of benefits while outside your home country. Do you need help with a claim? Please send us your full name, contact details and most importantly - your policy number so that our team can assist you promptly! Are you traveling in a group? Looking for the best rates? We've got you covered! Group travel insurance policies offer comprehensive benefits to cover travelers' main concerns, including Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical, Medical Evacuation, and Travel Delay coverage. Check out our recommended plans below Are you going on a cruise? Need the best coverage? Now that sounds like an adventure! Let's get you covered with the best travel insurance plans available. . There are often cancellation penalties tied to travel purchases, especially cruise trips, and you could get a portion of your trip costs back or none at all. Those penalties tend to get more severe as the departure date gets closer. This is where Trip Cancellation coverage can help you. Check out our recommended cruise insurance plans below Do you need medical evacuation and repatriation plans? This type of plan covers the expenses and associated services for your emergency medical evacuation or repatriation back to your home country. Are you still unsure which plan is best for you? That's ok! We're here to help! If you're anything like us and enjoy speaking to a human, please leave your name and best way to contact you and one of our friendly TWI agents will reach out to you. We will help you go through the various options and best insurance plans for your trip. Or alternatively, send us an email with your trip details and we will assist you personally in getting the perfect plan for your trip. Traveling to Costa Rica? Such a beautiful place! We've got you covered! Check out these travel insurance plans specifically designed for traveling to Costa Rica. A Annual Multi-Trip Plan Provides coverage for all trips made within a year. B Baggage and Personal Effects Coverage Covers a policy holder’s baggage, passport, credit cards, and personal effects. Benefits The amount a beneficiary receives from the insurance provider after a claim has been filed. Benefit Period The period of time during which the insured receives compensation from their insurance company for medical purposes, and can vary from policy to policy. For example, one policy may state that your benefit period begins the day you are hospitalized for a serious illness and ends 30 days after you stop receiving treatment. C Co-Insurance or Co-Pay Refers to the amount paid by the policy holder after payment of the deductible is completed. Common Carrier Any land, sea, or air conveyance operating under a valid license for the transportation of passengers for hire. Continuous Coverage Health insurance coverage that is not interrupted by a lapse of a predetermined number of days. Coverage Area The geographical region where an insurance policy is in effect. Covered Expenses Expenses that the insurance company agrees to cover based on the insurance policy purchased. A summary of “covered expenses” will be listed in the Schedule of Benefits. Covered Reasons The specific situations and events that are covered by a specific coverage or policy. D Deductible The amount a policy holder is required to pay before the insurance provider starts making payment. It can be a yearly amount, an amount based on the duration of the policy, or amount based on incident. Death Benefit (Survivor Benefit) The total compensation that is paid to the beneficiary of the life insurance plan when the insured passes away. Dependent Usually a spouse and/or children who are legally dependent on the insured. Depending on the insurance plan, dependents may qualify for insurance coverage on the insured’s policy. E Emergency Benefits Provides coverage for expenses incurred when a person is transported to a place where they receive immediate medical attention. Evacuation: Emergency Evacuation Categories Emergency medical evacuation (to the nearest qualified medical facility that can handle the medical condition) Medical due to outbreaks, epidemics The threat of natural disaster Political evacuation due to civil unrest (treated separately) Includes expenses for reasonable transportation (either public transport or private as reasonable based on the condition) resulting from the evacuation; and the cost of returning to either the home country or the country where the evacuation occurred. Sometimes includes remote transportation in the event of a diagnosis of a critical medical condition that is not necessarily immediately life-threatening, but severe enough that it could result in death or a permanent disability if not treated right away. Any medical treatment (after any deductibles) is usually paid from your medical insurance benefit. May also include an Emergency Reunion Benefit, or Return of Minor Children. Emergency Reunion Coverage Covers the traveling and accommodation expenses incurred when a friend or family member of an ill or injured policy holder travels to visit them. Exclusions Expenses the insurance provider will not cover, and they usually include expenses that result from participation in high-risk sports or recreational activities. Effective Date The date when the insurance coverage becomes effective. Elimination Period (Waiting Period) the period of time between the insured’s accident and the arrival of benefit payments. For example, if you broke your leg in January and received your first benefit payment in February, the elimination period would be one month. Epidemic An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely and that is identified as an epidemic by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Exclusions Cases under which an insurance provider does not provide coverage to the insured. For example, an insurance company may include an exclusion for car accidents if the insured is driving under the influence. Expatriate Insurance Expat insurance policies designed to cover financial losses that expatriates face while living and working in a country other than their own. F Family Plans Plans that cover every member of a family who is traveling, and they usually come with discounted rates. G Grace Period A period of time after an insurance premium payment is due during which the insured can fully enjoy the insurance coverage without incurring an additional fee. Grace periods can range from 24 hours to 30 days, and after their expiration, the insured will be required to pay an additional fee. H Hazardous Sports and Activities Coverage Refers to coverage of medical expenses incurred to treat a policy holder who becomes injured because of participation in hazardous sports and activities, such as: sky diving, scuba diving, or rock climbing HIPAA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This is also known as the Kassebaum-Kennedy Act enacted by the US Congress in 1996. It includes basic requirements for health insurance privacy and portability of health insurance, thus avoiding the exclusion of coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. Hospital Indemnity Hospital indemnity will provide $$ for each night you spend in the hospital as an inpatient when receiving treatment for a covered illness or injury. Hospital indemnity benefits are typically not subject to a deductible or coinsurance and are in addition to the payments for other covered expenses. I Insured The individual who is covered by the travel insurance policy. Individual Plans Plans that provide coverage for only one person. Inflation Protection A feature of certain insurance policies whereby the value of benefits increases by a certain, pre-defined percentage during specific time periods to assure that insurance coverage grows at the same pace as inflation. Insurance Provider Network The grouping of hospitals, doctors, and other health care providers that the insured will receive the maximum insurance coverage from working with. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) – an insurance provider plan that typically limits customers to receiving insurance coverage only when working with one specific network provider. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO, or Participating Provider Organization) – an organization of hospitals, doctors, and other health care providers who have agreed to provide health care at reduced rates to clients of a particular insurance provider. Healthcare providers who fall into your provider’s PPO are often referred to as “In-Network” providers, while healthcare providers outside of your insurance provider’s PPO are referred to as “Out of Network” providers, and will typically cost you much more than in-network providers. In-Network, Out-of-Network Medical facilities and practitioners that have contracted with the insurance companies to provide discounted rates, direct billing, and other services are considered In-Network (See more about Doctor Networks). Those facilities that have not contracted are considered “Out-of-Network.” The insured will typically save money by using “In-Network” providers and facilities. In-patient A patient admitted for at least a 24-hour residence (or at least overnight) in a medical facility where he is being treated. Insurance Broker An agency or individual who works as an intermediary between a person wanting insurance and one or more insurance companies to guide them in the purchase of insurance. (See Why Work with an International InsuranceBroker) IPMI International Private Medical Insurance or Global Health insurance. J K L Lost Luggage Secondary coverage that is paid when a policy holder’s checked luggage is permanently lost. Aka Loss/Theft, if there is damage to, or loss of, or theft of your checked or stored baggage or personal items (Defined as suitcases, clothing, toiletries, books, photo equipment, mobile phones, and laptops) by a common carrier, or while stored with your hotel. It will also usually include coverage for the replacement costs of travel documents, and sometimes bag tracking. May, or may not, include delayed baggage. Lifetime Maximum The maximum amount an insurance company will pay for all benefits received. The usual limits are $1,000,000; $3,000,000 or $5,000,000 but may be greater or, in some cases, unlimited. Loss Injury or damage sustained by you in consequence of the happening of one or more of the occurrences against which the company has undertaken to indemnify you. M Maximum Policy Coverage Refers to the maximum compensation that will be paid for expenses covered by a policy. Medical Evacuation (MedEvac, medivac) Timely and efficient evacuation and in-route care of ill or injured persons, usually by air transportation, to a place where they can receive adequate medical care. Medically Necessary Treatment that’s appropriate for your illness or injury, consistent with your symptoms, and that can safely be provided to you. It meets the standards of good medical practice and isn’t for your convenience or the provider’s convenience. N Non-Refundable Travel Expenses These are expenses paid for a trip that cannot be reimbursed, and they include accommodation deposits and airline tickets. Natural disaster A large-scale extreme weather or environmental event that damages property, disrupts transportation, or endangers people. Examples include earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, or volcanic eruptions. O Online Fulfillment Electronic communication of Medical ID card, certificate or indication of coverage, information on the policy purchased, how to file a claim, and the insurance company’s contact information. Outpatient A patient who receives medical treatment at a clinic or hospital, but is not admitted for an overnight stay. Out-of-Pocket Expense The total amount that you will pay towards your medical expenses. P Pre-Existing Conditions Refers to medical conditions of policy holders that existed before the insurance policies were purchased: Usually, insurance providers will only provide minimal or no coverage for expenses related to such conditions. Premium The amount paid to purchase a travel insurance plan. The payment can be made in advance, once every month or year, or before every trip. Primary Coverage Form of coverage provides insurance for the policy holder even though you have other coverage. Policy Year The amount of time from the effective date of the policy that comprises one full year. For example, if the effective date begins April 14, 2009, the policy year will end at midnight, April 13, 2010. Political Evacuation Often lumped together with non-medical or security evacuation, political evacuation is for situations where one is either trapped, or expelled, or at risk due to civil uprisings, riots, military coups, political unrest, or being identified as a “persona non grata” in the country you are visiting. Security evacuations (necessary for impending natural disasters, etc.) are different from political evacuations. Political evacuations are for situations of political instability, civil unrest, or military action. Coverage is sometimes dependent on the United States Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, or similar government organization of the insured person’s home country, ordering the evacuation of all non-emergency government personnel from the host country. Pre-certification The need to check with the insurance company before receiving medical care, generally for major medical procedures, to confirm if the medical care received will be covered by the insurance company. Premium Payment for insurance, the amount paid by the insured to the insurance company for health insurance coverage. Preventive Care Medical care given in advance of symptoms to prevent illness or injury. Generally includes emphasis on healthy behavior, regular testing, screening for diseases, routine physical examinations, and immunizations. Q Quarantine Mandatory isolation or restrictions on where you can go, intended to stop a contagious disease from spreading. R Rental Car Insurance Covers theft or damage of a car rented by a policy holder during their trip. It also covers the damage and injury sustained by other people if the policy holder causes an accident. Repatriation Benefit Refers to the coverage of expenses for preparing and sending the deceased person’s body to their own country Rider (Waiver) A formal written statement by the insurance company to the insured amending and modifying coverage, e.g., adding or excluding coverage. It could involve waiving coverage for a certain medical condition like cancer, hepatitis or adding coverage for such conditions. S Secondary Coverage Only offers insurance for expenses not included in the primary coverage. Single Trip Plan A policy that provides coverage for only one trip Schedule of Benefits (SOB) A list of the benefits, amount of coverage provided in an insurance policy, usually one or two pages in length. Scheduled Departure Date The date on which you are originally scheduled to leave on the trip. Scheduled Return Date The date on which you are originally scheduled to return to the point of origin or to a different final destination. Sickness An illness or disease which is diagnosed or treated by a physician after the effective date of insurance and while you are covered under the policy. Subrogation Steps the travel insurance company takes, after paying a claim, to collect from other available sources such as other insurance plans or travel suppliers. T ​​​​​Travel Assistance Services Refers to assistance available to a policy holder when they experiences difficulty in a foreign location. It includes: 24-hour emergency phone services, legal assistance, visa and passport assistance, and others. Travel Supplier Bankruptcy or Default Refers to coverage of expenses incurred when a travel supplier goes bankrupt or defaults from providing travel services. Trip Interruption Insurance Provides coverage for policy holders who interrupt or cancel their trips because of acceptable reasons such as injury, illness, death of a relative, flight problem, and others. Terrorism Terrorismis an act or threat of action by a person or group of people, whether acting alone or in connection with an organisation or government, committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes intended to influence any government or to frighten the public or any section of it. An 'action' means: violence, damage to property, putting life in danger, creating a public health risk, or disrupting electronic systems or transport services. Trip Cancellation Provides reimbursement for non-refundable trip payments and deposits if a trip is canceled for illness, death, or other specific unforeseen circumstances. The “trip cancellation” benefit covers you in the event you have to cancel prior to your trip due to a covered reason listed in your travel insurance policy prior to your departure date. Trip Interruption Trip interruption plans typically reimburse you for pre-paid non-refundable travel expenses if an unexpected crisis (e.g., death of a family member, sickness, airline strike, travel supplier bankruptcy, among other crises) occurs during your trip causing it to be canceled, interrupted or delayed. U Usual, Customary, and Reasonable Charges Average amounts charged by travel insurance providers for certain services, treatments, or procedures in the same locality. Underwriter (1) The company that receives the insurance premium and accepts the responsibility to cover medical costs; (2) The employee in an insurance company who decides whether or not the insurance company should assume the risk of offering the insurance to an individual or group; (3) An insurance agent. Usual, Reasonable & Customary (UCR) The amount an insurance company will pay for a covered medical expense based on the customary charges of all medical providers in a given geographic area for a similar service. V Valuables Jewellery, watches, glasses (including sun glasses), contact lenses, keys, hearing aids, any electric, electrical or electronic items or equipment including their accessories (e.g. mobile phones, laptops, games consoles, portable audio equipment, portable visual equipment, memory sticks, chargers, dongles), any kind of photographic or recording equipment and their accessories (including CDs, DVDs, tapes etc), items made of or containing precious metals or (semi) precious stones, furs, animal skins, antiques, binoculars, telescopes, musical instruments. W Waiting Period A period of time the insured must wait before some or all of the coverages offered in an insurance plan begin and the insured can receive benefits. Waiver (Rider) A formal written statement by the insurance company to the insured amending and modifying coverage, e.g., adding or excluding coverage. It could involve waiving coverage for a certain medical condition like cancer, hepatitis or adding coverage for such conditions. Wellness Benefit (Preventive Care, Well-care) Medical care given in advance of symptoms to prevent illness or injury. Generally includes emphasis on healthy behavior, regular testing, screening for diseases, routine physical examinations and immunizations. X Y Z

  • Search Plans | Travel with Insurance

    Quick search Let's find the best plan for your trip Are you a U.S Citizen? Where are you traveling to? Traveling outside the USA Traveling within or to the USA Highlight your selected trip / cover type below Trip Cancellation Plans Multi / Annual Trip Medical Plans Adventure / Sports Student / Scholar Group Plans Cruise Plans Mission / Long Term Covid-19 Search Reset filters OR deselect your highlighted trip and select a new one Result Recommended Plans for your trip Our selected plans below have been carefully selected to provide you with the very best options for your trip. Our providers ensure the highest level of cover, service and underwriters to give you peace of mind when you travel. *Insurance rates are regulated by law. You cannot find the same insurance plan for a lower price anywhere else. No results found. Please refine your search and try again. 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ... 100

  • Costa Rica | Travel with Insurance

    哥斯達黎加 所需的旅行保險 哥斯達黎加政府已實施以下要求,要求國外遊客在進入該國之前遵守以下要求。 哥斯達黎加的 專業旅行政策計劃 對於國際保險單,遊客必須要求保險公司出具英文或西班牙文的證明,至少驗證以下三個條件: Policy Effectiveness of the policy during the visit to Costa Rica. ​ You will need to fill out the electronic epidemiological health pass form before departure. Medical Expenses Coverage for Medical expenses in the event of becoming ill with the pandemic COVID-19 virus while in Costa Rica, for at least $50,000. ​ Minimum Coverage Includes minimum coverage of $2,000 for potential quarantine lodging expenses issued as a result of the pandemic. ​ ​ > 哥斯達黎加 規定 Safe Travels Voyager 計劃僅適用於從美國出發的美國公民和美國居民,旅行費用為 0 至 100,000 美元。它包括 250,000 美元的基本醫療保險和 2,000 美元的旅行延遲隔離住宿/住宿費用。購買後,您將收到一封籤證信以及一份證書,供您出示給哥斯達黎加共和國。 自 2021 年 1 月 26 日起,所有飛往美國的旅客在進入美國之前都需要進行 COVID-19 陰性測試。 在所有乘客登上飛往美國的航班之前,航空公司將負責確認所有乘客的陰性測試結果。 這項強制性測試的費用不在我們任何旅行保險計劃的承保範圍內。 該計劃沒有額外的福利來參加考試。 如果有人沒有及時收到測試結果,這將不屬於承保的旅行延誤/旅行中斷福利。 如果有人檢測結果呈陽性,則可能會因隔離而導致額外住宿的旅行延誤。 需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? Safe Travels Voyager (For US Citizens) The Safe Travels Voyager is designed for those who are looking for the highest available benefit limits to protect your trip. This plan covers trips up to $100,000 for trip cancellation and includes a $250,000 per person limit Primary Medical Coverage with coverage for Pre-Existing Medical conditions on plans purchased prior to or with final trip payment. Includes minimum coverage of $2,000 for potential quarantine accommodations/lodging expenses. COVID-19 MEDICAL EXPENSES may be covered and treated the same as any other sickness. Meets Costa Rica Travel Insurance Requirements. ​ The Optional Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) provides reimbursement for 75% of the prepaid, non-refundable, forfeited payments you paid for your trip if you cancel your trip for any reason not otherwise covered by this policy. Must be purchased with initial policy and within 21 days of the initial trip deposit date, and the full, nonrefundable trip cost is insured. This plan is only available to U.S. Citizens and U.S. Residents and can be purchased for a trip cost of $0 to $100,000. It includes $250,000 of primary Medical Coverage and Trip Delay of $2,000 for accommodations/lodging expenses. ​ Upon purchase, you will receive a visa letter that you can upload using this link - - to the Costa Rica Health Pass website and complete the required paperwork to get your QR code to show airport authorities upon arrival to Costa Rica. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Safe Travels International (For Non US Citizens) Travel Medical and other benefits, for anyone while traveling from their Home Country but NOT valid for travel from, in, or to the United States of America. Rates are based on age and plan options. Effective 1/28/2021 at 11AM, This plan includes $2,000 of trip delay quarantine lodging expenses and Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-Existing Medical Condition benefit of $20,000 up to age 65 and $10,000 over age 65. This Coverage can be purchased for a minimum of five (5) days up to a maximum of 364 days. If a minimum of 5 days is purchased, the policy term may be extended with uninterrupted coverage for up to 2 years. COVID-19 EXPENSES, up to the amount selected, are covered and treated as any other sickness. This is stated on the VISA Letter and in the policy wording that you receive with the order **Plans purchased after January 28, 2021 at 11AM CST meets Costa Rica Rica requirements to get a Health Pass. This plan is not available to US citizens unless they live in the origin country. Upon purchase, you will receive a visa letter that you can upload using this link - - to the Costa Rica Health Pass website and complete the required paperwork to get your QR code to show airport authorities upon arrival to Costa Rica. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Safe Travels International Cost Saver (For Non US Citizens) Travel Medical and other benefits, for anyone while traveling from their Home Country but NOT valid for travel from, in, or to the United States of America. Rates are based on age and plan options. Effective 1/28/2021 at 11AM, This plan includes $2,000 of trip delay quarantine lodging expenses and $2,500 of Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-existing condition benefit. This Coverage can be purchased for a minimum of five (5) days up to a maximum364 days. If a minimum of 5 days is purchased, the policy term may be extended with uninterrupted coverage for up to 2 years. COVID-19 EXPENSES, up to the amount selected, are covered and treated as any other sickness. This is stated on the VISA Letter and in the policy wording that you receive with the order. **Plans purchased after January 28, 2021 at 11AM CST meets Costa Rica Rica requirements to get a Health Pass. This plan is not available to US citizens unless they live in the origin country. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide 普拉維達! 哥斯達黎加 在等你。

  • Global Rescue | Travel with Insurance

    IMG 是一家屢獲殊榮的全球保險福利和援助服務提供商。 25 多年來,它們通過提供他們需要的保護和他們應得的支持,使成員減少了擔憂並獲得了更多體驗。自 1990 年以來,IMG 通過提供世界一流的產品、客戶服務和福利,為幾乎每個國家的數百萬人提供了支持。 Visit website 為什麼選擇 IMG保險 IMG 知道出國旅行的原因多種多樣——這就是為什麼他們的產品也是如此。他們提供國際醫療保險產品的全方位服務方法包括為度假者、短期或長期在國際上工作或生活的人、經常在國家之間旅行的人以及擁有多個居住國的人提供服務。 由國際多語種專家和訓練有素的客戶服務專業人員組成的敬業團隊通過他們想要的服務支持會員所需的好處。 IMG 提供全系列的旅行保護計劃,包括iTravelInsured Travel Lite 、 iTravelInsured Travel SE 和iTravelInsured Travel LX ,為旅行取消、行李延誤、旅行中斷、醫療福利和許多其他與旅行相關的事件提供不同級別的保險和花費。這些計劃旨在保護您在旅行前或旅行期間發生不良事件時免受經濟損失。 As the world’s only integrated travel risk and crisis response provider, their services include: Evacuate members from the point of illness or injury to the nearest appropriate health care facility. Complete duty of care and travel risk management services Advisory service including assistance managing local health care systems, visa and passport issues, translation, legal referrals, detailed destination reports and real-time event alerts. Security evacuation in the event of natural disasters, a terrorist attack, a government-ordered evacuation, or civil unrest. Location tracking and alerts to keep track of employees and loved ones in real time. 24/7 access to world-class medical experts for real-time video consultations and treatment Enterprise and destination preparation, monitoring, staffing, support and response services. 綜合 計劃 Travel Plan 7, 14 or 30 day Memberships are available as well as Annual Memberships for: ​ ​ Medical Evacuation, Security Evacuation, Crisis Response Individual and Family Memberships Security and Medical Memberships Field rescue & medical evacuation Medical advisory & intelligence Destination reports & alerts Transport to home hospital of choice Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwriter: United States Fire Insurance Company. High Altitude Plan ​ For individuals traveling above 15,000 ft (4,600 m) during any part of their trip (excluding airplane travel). Includes all services in a Travel plan membership Emergency physical transport due to injury or illness. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwriter: United States Fire Insurance Company. Total Care Plan Includes all services in a Travel membership Medical Evacuation, Security Evacuation, Crisis Response Plus 24/7/365 immediate virtual consults with physicians Urgent & specialty consults Prescriptions, labs and imaging Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwriter: United States Fire Insurance Company. 訪問他們的網站,了解所有可用的計劃和福利 訪問網站 想投保 IMG保險? Whatever the emergency, wherever you are, we are there to help. IMG 保險的 聯繫信息 > 客戶服務 866-263-0669 索賠電子郵件 Compare Plans >郵寄至 北子午街2960號 印第安納波利斯, IN 46208

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