> 綜合計劃
這些計劃是為許多不同類型的旅行團體設計的。大多數都提供旅行取消、中斷、行李、醫療、牙科、緊急疏散、24 小時旅行援助、行李延誤、旅行延誤和意外死亡保險。
> 旅行醫療計劃
> 意外死亡計劃
意外死亡和傷殘 (AD&D) 計劃專為單次旅行的旅行者設計,但也可以每年為個人、企業或團體制定。 AD&D 計劃在旅行期間遭受生命損失或肢解傷害的情況下提供保護。這些計劃的福利限額最高可達 2000 萬美元。
> 為團體旅行投保
一個由 10 人或更多人組成的旅行團體可能有自己的一套需求。如果您有 10 人或以上的團體,在同一出發和返回日期前往同一目的地,請致電並與團體旅行保險代表交談。他們將指導您選擇最適合您和您的聚會的計劃。
Atlas Travel Group Insurance
Missionary groups traveling to provide aid to local communities
Student groups studying abroad or taking a trip overseas
Organizations whose members travel worldwide
Families and friend groups of 5 or more travelers looking to save money by purchasing a group plan
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
GeoBlue Voyager Choice Group Plan
10% discount on groups of 5 or more.
Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles.
For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*.
Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment.
Post-departure trip interruption up to $500.
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation.
Requires a primary health plan
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724