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  • Medical Evacuation & Repatriation Plans | Travel with Insurance

    您經常出差,但不擔心行程取消、延誤或行程中斷的問題嗎? 有多種提供年度旅行保險的計劃可供選擇。首先,可以選擇在一年中國際旅行時為您提供保障的旅行醫療計劃。主要醫療保險必須到位才能獲得多次旅行醫療計劃的資格,並且注意每次旅行的最大允許長度也很重要,這因計劃而異。其次,只要您離家超過一定距離(通常為 50-150 英里,取決於計劃),年度緊急疏散會員資格就可以為您提供保障。最後,一些意外死亡計劃提供可選的多次旅行保險。 > 我什麼時候應該考慮年度旅行保險計劃? 很簡單,如果您在一年內安排了多次旅行。 但是要知道,您必須在兩次旅行之間回家。一次前往多個目的地的旅行不符合年度旅行保險計劃的資格。但是,如果您要回家短暫停留,然後再啟程前往不同地點,您可以考慮制定年度或年度計劃。 > 年度計劃包括什麼類型的保險? 大多數多程年度計劃主要側重於旅行醫療和緊急疏散保險或僅提供緊急醫療疏散保險。這意味著綜合旅行保險計劃的標準承保範圍通常不包括在內(旅行取消、旅行中斷和旅行延誤)。一些年度多次旅行計劃確實包括有限的行李丟失保險——但不是全部。 如果您正在尋找意外死亡保險,您可以購買多次旅行的意外死亡和傷殘保險。這是一些意外死亡計劃的一個選擇選項,需要額外付費購買。 > 包年 套餐是經常出差的好選擇嗎? 如果您在一年中多次旅行,您可能正在尋找適合您特定需求的旅行保護。這些需求最有可能集中在出國旅行時的緊急醫療護理上。 年度或年度旅行保險計劃是一個完美的解決方案。在海外旅行時,您的主要醫療計劃可能不承保您。年度旅行保險計劃可以幫助抵消承保的醫療保健需求的費用。與往常一樣,如有任何具體的旅行保險問題,請聯繫我們的客戶服務專家。 醫療 旅遊保險 需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? Global Rescue Plans & Memberships 7, 14 or 30 day Memberships are available as well as Annual Memberships for: ​ ​ Medical Evacuation, Security Evacuation, Crisis Response Individual and Family Memberships Security and Medical Memberships Field rescue & medical evacuation Medical advisory & intelligence Destination reports & alerts Transport to home hospital of choice Customize & Buy View Brochure Seven Corners Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Seven Corners Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Annual Travel Insurance for evacuation covers travel to the United States (not for USA citizens). Any non-U.S. citizen and non-U.S. resident who is traveling to the United States and participating in full-time educational activities can buy this plan. You are not required to have a visa. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: Lloyd’s, London

  • Group Travel Insurance | Travel with Insurance

    需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? 我們提供各種形式的團體旅行保險計劃,來自我們的各種首選供應商。 > 綜合計劃 這些計劃是為許多不同類型的旅行團體設計的。大多數都提供旅行取消、中斷、行李、醫療、牙科、緊急疏散、24 小時旅行援助、行李延誤、旅行延誤和意外死亡保險。 > 旅行醫療計劃 這些計劃是為許多不同類型的旅行團體設計的,並提供長達一年的旅行醫療保險。其中一些包括疏散、飛行、意外死亡、有限行李和旅行中斷的保險。 > 意外死亡計劃 意外死亡和傷殘 (AD&D) 計劃專為單次旅行的旅行者設計,但也可以每年為個人、企業或團體制定。 AD&D 計劃在旅行期間遭受生命損失或肢解傷害的情況下提供保護。這些計劃的福利限額最高可達 2000 萬美元。 > 為 團體旅行投保 一個由 10 人或更多人組成的旅行團體可能有自己的一套需求。如果您有 10 人或以上的團體,在同一出發和返回日期前往同一目的地,請致電並與團體旅行保險代表交談。他們將指導您選擇最適合您和您的聚會的計劃。 需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? Atlas Travel Group Insurance 10% reduced rate for families and groups of 5 or more. It offers coverage for unexpected medical expenses - including COVID-19-related expenses - and an Emergency Medical Evacuation benefit. ​ Missionary groups traveling to provide aid to local communities Student groups studying abroad or taking a trip overseas Organizations whose members travel worldwide Families and friend groups of 5 or more travelers looking to save money by purchasing a group plan Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 GeoBlue Voyager Choice Group Plan 10% discount on groups of 5 or more. Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles. For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 and younger*. Coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment. Post-departure trip interruption up to $500. Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation. Requires a primary health plan Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724

  • Travel Alerts & Warnings | Travel with Insurance

    需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? 當長期、持久的狀況使一個國家變得危險或不穩定並導緻美國國務院建議美國人避免或考慮前往該國家旅行的風險時,就會發出旅行警告和警報。當美國政府協助美國公民的能力因大使館或領事館關閉或其工作人員縮編而受到限制時,也會發布此類通知。 選擇您的大陸/國家 美國 澳大利亞 非洲 加拿大 中國 法國 德國 印度 日本 墨西哥 荷蘭 新西蘭 西班牙 瑞士 英國 南非 哥斯達黎加 泰國 選擇您的大陸/國家 美國 澳大利亞 非洲 加拿大 中國 法國 德國 印度 日本 墨西哥 荷蘭 新西蘭 西班牙 瑞士 英國 南非 哥斯達黎加 泰國 選擇您的大陸/國家 美國 澳大利亞 非洲 加拿大 中國 法國 德國 印度 日本 墨西哥 荷蘭 新西蘭 西班牙 瑞士 英國 南非 哥斯達黎加 泰國 官方旅遊信息網站 美國國務院 美國護照和國際旅行 國際旅行警告 美國大使館、領事館和外交使團 美國智能旅行者註冊計劃 CDC 旅行者健康 世界衛生組織 國際旅行與健康 OSAC 外交安全局 英國政府歐洲旅遊信息 加拿大政府旅遊諮詢 新西蘭安全旅行 澳大利亞智能旅行者 愛爾蘭外交部 按國家/地區分類的項目簽證 官方旅遊信息網站 美國國務院 美國護照和國際旅行 國際旅行警告 美國大使館、領事館和外交使團 美國智能旅行者註冊計劃 CDC 旅行者健康 世界衛生組織 國際旅行與健康 OSAC 外交安全局 英國政府歐洲旅遊信息 加拿大政府旅遊諮詢 新西蘭安全旅行 澳大利亞智能旅行者 愛爾蘭外交部 按國家/地區分類的項目簽證 Additional resources for inquiries about the Coronavirus ​ U.S. Department of State World Health Organization Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  • CF Travel Insured | Travel with Insurance

    IMG 是一家屢獲殊榮的全球保險福利和援助服務提供商。 25 多年來,它們通過提供他們需要的保護和他們應得的支持,使成員減少了擔憂並獲得了更多體驗。自 1990 年以來,IMG 通過提供世界一流的產品、客戶服務和福利,為幾乎每個國家的數百萬人提供了支持。 Visit website 為什麼選擇 IMG保險 IMG 知道出國旅行的原因多種多樣——這就是為什麼他們的產品也是如此。他們提供國際醫療保險產品的全方位服務方法包括為度假者、短期或長期在國際上工作或生活的人、經常在國家之間旅行的人以及擁有多個居住國的人提供服務。 由國際多語種專家和訓練有素的客戶服務專業人員組成的敬業團隊通過他們想要的服務支持會員所需的好處。 IMG 提供全系列的旅行保護計劃,包括iTravelInsured Travel Lite 、 iTravelInsured Travel SE 和iTravelInsured Travel LX ,為旅行取消、行李延誤、旅行中斷、醫療福利和許多其他與旅行相關的事件提供不同級別的保險和花費。這些計劃旨在保護您在旅行前或旅行期間發生不良事件時免受經濟損失。 綜合 計劃 Comparison Quote Each of the Travel Insured Worldwide Trip Protector plans include the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverage as well as Travel Medical Insurance and Medical Evacuation and Baggage Delay, Loss, Theft, and Damage. Travel Insured provides coverage for medical expenses incurred during travel, particularly outside of the U.S., that health insurance providers frequently deny as out of network. With the medical benefits included in these plans, you can help ensure access to quality medical treatment wherever you travel and protect yourself from unexpected travel medical and evacuation expenses Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company Worldwide Trip Protector (WTP) Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $100,000 Option for Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) and Option for Interruption for Any Reason (IFAR) Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains $1,000,000 Non-Insurance Worldwide Assistance Services are included in both plans and include Medical or Legal Referral, Inoculation Information, Hospital Admission Guarantee, Telemedicine, House Calls, Translation Service, Lost Baggage Retrieval, Passport/Visa Information, Emergency Cash Advance, Bail Bond, Prescription Drug/Eyeglass Replacement, ID Theft Resolution Service, Concierge Service, and Business Concierge ​ The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion will be waived if you purchase the protection plan within 21 days of the date your initial trip payment or deposit is received and you are medically able and not disabled from travel at the time you purchase the plan. COVID 19 is considered an illness and treated the same as any illness Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company World Trip Protector (Edge) Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $10,000 Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains $100,000 Non-Insurance Worldwide Assistance Services are included in this plan and include Medical or Legal Referral, Inoculation Information, Hospital Admission Guarantee, Telemedicine, House Calls, Translation Service, Lost Baggage Retrieval, Passport/Visa Information, Emergency Cash Advance, Bail Bond, Prescription Drug / Eyeglass Replacement, ID Theft Resolution Service, Concierge Service, and Business Concierge The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion will be waived if you purchase the protection plan within 14 days of the date your initial trip payment or deposit is received and you are medically able and not disabled from travel at the time you purchase the plan. COVID 19 is considered an illness and treated the same as any illness. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company 訪問他們的網站,了解所有可用的計劃和福利 訪問網站 想投保 IMG保險? Travel Relaxed. Travel Secure. Travel Insured. IMG 保險的 聯繫信息 > 客戶服務 866-263-0669 > 索賠電子郵件 請參閱 IMG 文件上的傳真號碼、電子郵件地址或郵寄地址。 >郵寄至 北子午街2960號 印第安納波利斯, IN 46208 索賠電子郵件 供應商索賠網站 提出索賠 Compare Plans

  • Trip Cancellation | Travel with Insurance

    您經常出差,但不擔心行程取消、延誤或行程中斷的問題嗎? 有多種提供年度旅行保險的計劃可供選擇。首先,可以選擇在一年中國際旅行時為您提供保障的旅行醫療計劃。主要醫療保險必須到位才能獲得多次旅行醫療計劃的資格,並且注意每次旅行的最大允許長度也很重要,這因計劃而異。其次,只要您離家超過一定距離(通常為 50-150 英里,取決於計劃),年度緊急疏散會員資格就可以為您提供保障。最後,一些意外死亡計劃提供可選的多次旅行保險。 > 我什麼時候應該考慮年度旅行保險計劃? 很簡單,如果您在一年內安排了多次旅行。 但是要知道,您必須在兩次旅行之間回家。一次前往多個目的地的旅行不符合年度旅行保險計劃的資格。但是,如果您要回家短暫停留,然後再啟程前往不同地點,您可以考慮制定年度或年度計劃。 > 年度計劃包括什麼類型的保險? 大多數多程年度計劃主要側重於旅行醫療和緊急疏散保險或僅提供緊急醫療疏散保險。這意味著綜合旅行保險計劃的標準承保範圍通常不包括在內(旅行取消、旅行中斷和旅行延誤)。一些年度多次旅行計劃確實包括有限的行李丟失保險——但不是全部。 如果您正在尋找意外死亡保險,您可以購買多次旅行的意外死亡和傷殘保險。這是一些意外死亡計劃的一個選擇選項,需要額外付費購買。 > 包年 套餐是經常出差的好選擇嗎? 如果您在一年中多次旅行,您可能正在尋找適合您特定需求的旅行保護。這些需求最有可能集中在出國旅行時的緊急醫療護理上。 年度或年度旅行保險計劃是一個完美的解決方案。在海外旅行時,您的主要醫療計劃可能不承保您。年度旅行保險計劃可以幫助抵消承保的醫療保健需求的費用。與往常一樣,如有任何具體的旅行保險問題,請聯繫我們的客戶服務專家。 多/年度 旅行 旅遊保險 需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? Seven Corners Trip Protection (for US Residents) Seven Corners Trip Protection travel insurance protects trip expenses, medical expenses, and baggage for one-way and round trips in the USA and abroad. If you cancel your trip for a covered reason, the Trip Cancellation benefit in our plans reimburses unused, nonrefundable payments or deposits for the travel arrangements you purchased for your trip. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter: The United States Fire Insurance Company Trip Protector (Trip cancellation for US Residents) Select from 3 plans Economy Classic Preferred Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter Travel insurance plans underwritten by Nationwide® to protect your vacation investment Trip cancellation (for US Residents) TravelSafe travel protection is curated for residents of the United States. Whether you are traveling domestically or abroad, our plans offer coverage to help protect your trip, your belongings, and those who go along for the adventure. ach plan has travel insurance benefits and non-insurance assistance services to help protect your trip, your belongings, and those who go along for the adventure. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwriter Travel insurance plans underwritten by Nationwide® to protect your vacation investment Safe Travels Voyager for US Citizens Covers trip cancellation from $0 up to $100,000 and includes $250,000 Primary Medical with coverage for Pre-Existing Medical conditions on plans purchased prior to or with final trip payment. The optional Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) provides reimbursement for the percentage of the prepaid, non-refundable, forfeited payments you paid for your trip, if you cancel your trip for any reason not otherwise covered. Must be purchased with initial policy and within 21 days of the initial trip deposit date, and the full, nonrefundable trip cost is insured. Trip cancellation for US citizens and US Residents travelling to other countries or domestically Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Safe Travels Basic Annual Just the necessities. Our Basic level includes our Worldwide 24/7 Emergency Assistance Services, up to $2,500 per Annual Policy Term for Trip Cancellation and Interruption, $10,000 coverage for Emergency Medical Expense as well as baggage and many other essential benefits while you travel. COVID-19 EXPENSES are covered and treated as any other sickness. COVID-19 MEDICAL EXPENSES are covered and treated the same as any other sickness. Coverage starts the day after purchase. Covers US CITIZENS/US RESIDENTS ONLY Not available in Florida, Washington & New York Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Safe Travels Deluxe Annual The Annual Deluxe Plan features everything in the Basic plan plus we have included Itinerary Change coverage. This plan features $5,000 for Trip Cancellation per Annual Policy Term and Interruption and $20,000 Emergency Medical Expense as well as baggage and many other essential benefits while you travel. COVID-19 MEDICAL EXPENSES are covered and treated the same as any other sickness. Coverage starts the day after purchase. Covers US CITIZENS/US RESIDENTS ONLY Not available in Florida, Washington & New York Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Safe Travels Executive Annual The Executive Plan offers all the benefits of both Basic and Deluxe level coverage plus coverage for Sports Equipment Rental! There’s more! $10,000 for Trip Cancellation and Interruption. $50,000 for Emergency Medical Expense, $1,000 for baggage. COVID-19 MEDICAL EXPENSES are covered and treated the same as any other sickness. Coverage starts the day after purchase. Covers US CITIZENS/US RESIDENTS ONLY Not available in Florida, Washington & New York Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Comparison Quote Each of the Travel Insured Worldwide Trip Protector plans include the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverage as well as Travel Medical Insurance and Medical Evacuation and Baggage Delay, Loss, Theft, and Damage. Travel Insured provides coverage for medical expenses incurred during travel, particularly outside of the U.S., that health insurance providers frequently deny as out of network. With the medical benefits included in these plans, you can help ensure access to quality medical treatment wherever you travel and protect yourself from unexpected travel medical and evacuation expenses Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company Worldwide Trip Protector (WTP) Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $100,000 Option for Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) and Option for Interruption for Any Reason (IFAR) Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains $1,000,000 Non-Insurance Worldwide Assistance Services are included in both plans and include Medical or Legal Referral, Inoculation Information, Hospital Admission Guarantee, Telemedicine, House Calls, Translation Service, Lost Baggage Retrieval, Passport/Visa Information, Emergency Cash Advance, Bail Bond, Prescription Drug/Eyeglass Replacement, ID Theft Resolution Service, Concierge Service, and Business Concierge ​ The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion will be waived if you purchase the protection plan within 21 days of the date your initial trip payment or deposit is received and you are medically able and not disabled from travel at the time you purchase the plan. COVID 19 is considered an illness and treated the same as any illness Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company World Trip Protector (Edge) Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $10,000 Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains $100,000 Non-Insurance Worldwide Assistance Services are included in this plan and include Medical or Legal Referral, Inoculation Information, Hospital Admission Guarantee, Telemedicine, House Calls, Translation Service, Lost Baggage Retrieval, Passport/Visa Information, Emergency Cash Advance, Bail Bond, Prescription Drug / Eyeglass Replacement, ID Theft Resolution Service, Concierge Service, and Business Concierge The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion will be waived if you purchase the protection plan within 14 days of the date your initial trip payment or deposit is received and you are medically able and not disabled from travel at the time you purchase the plan. COVID 19 is considered an illness and treated the same as any illness. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A Excellent Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company

  • Medical & Travel Assistance | Travel with Insurance

    需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? 旅行援助服務 我們隨時為旅客提供旅行需求支持,無論他們是在尋找旅行前信息(例如疫苗接種或簽證要求),還是遇到問題(例如旅行證件丟失或被盜)。 緊急現金/保釋援助 法律轉介 丟失文件和行李協助 行前和文化信息 旅遊情報 旅行風險管理解決方案 我們在處理複雜、危險和遠程傳輸和響應方面擁有豐富的經驗。我們的國際多語言專家團隊習慣於在多個時區、使用多種語言和貨幣工作。我們的全球影響力意味著我們可以無障礙地開展工作,盡心盡責。 全球風險和威脅分析 實時旅行者跟踪和通信 安全和醫療事故響應 企業支持和遠程站點規劃 大流行規劃和響應 可定制的移動應用程序 醫療運輸服務 在醫療緊急情況下,我們提供緊急醫療運輸服務,這些服務在幫助我們的旅行者獲得所需的護理方面有著良好的記錄。我們還幫助控制計劃成本,並在回家的每一步協調跨國界和選民的溝通。 派遣醫師 緊急醫療後送和遣返 受撫養子女、旅伴和/或遺體的返回 醫療援助服務 我們提供一系列醫療援助服務,以支持需要醫療照顧的旅客。這些服務範圍從信息研究(如轉診)到我們臨床團隊提供的更強大的醫療監測。 醫療監測 醫療建議 成本管理和醫療支付 醫療和牙科轉介 心理健康援助 遠程會診 大流行援助

  • Costa Rica | Travel with Insurance

    哥斯達黎加 所需的旅行保險 哥斯達黎加政府已實施以下要求,要求國外遊客在進入該國之前遵守以下要求。 哥斯達黎加的 專業旅行政策計劃 對於國際保險單,遊客必須要求保險公司出具英文或西班牙文的證明,至少驗證以下三個條件: Policy Effectiveness of the policy during the visit to Costa Rica. ​ You will need to fill out the electronic epidemiological health pass form before departure. Medical Expenses Coverage for Medical expenses in the event of becoming ill with the pandemic COVID-19 virus while in Costa Rica, for at least $50,000. ​ Minimum Coverage Includes minimum coverage of $2,000 for potential quarantine lodging expenses issued as a result of the pandemic. ​ ​ > 哥斯達黎加 規定 Safe Travels Voyager 計劃僅適用於從美國出發的美國公民和美國居民,旅行費用為 0 至 100,000 美元。它包括 250,000 美元的基本醫療保險和 2,000 美元的旅行延遲隔離住宿/住宿費用。購買後,您將收到一封籤證信以及一份證書,供您出示給哥斯達黎加共和國。 自 2021 年 1 月 26 日起,所有飛往美國的旅客在進入美國之前都需要進行 COVID-19 陰性測試。 在所有乘客登上飛往美國的航班之前,航空公司將負責確認所有乘客的陰性測試結果。 這項強制性測試的費用不在我們任何旅行保險計劃的承保範圍內。 該計劃沒有額外的福利來參加考試。 如果有人沒有及時收到測試結果,這將不屬於承保的旅行延誤/旅行中斷福利。 如果有人檢測結果呈陽性,則可能會因隔離而導致額外住宿的旅行延誤。 需要單程/多程 旅遊 保險? Safe Travels Voyager (For US Citizens) The Safe Travels Voyager is designed for those who are looking for the highest available benefit limits to protect your trip. This plan covers trips up to $100,000 for trip cancellation and includes a $250,000 per person limit Primary Medical Coverage with coverage for Pre-Existing Medical conditions on plans purchased prior to or with final trip payment. Includes minimum coverage of $2,000 for potential quarantine accommodations/lodging expenses. COVID-19 MEDICAL EXPENSES may be covered and treated the same as any other sickness. Meets Costa Rica Travel Insurance Requirements. ​ The Optional Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) provides reimbursement for 75% of the prepaid, non-refundable, forfeited payments you paid for your trip if you cancel your trip for any reason not otherwise covered by this policy. Must be purchased with initial policy and within 21 days of the initial trip deposit date, and the full, nonrefundable trip cost is insured. This plan is only available to U.S. Citizens and U.S. Residents and can be purchased for a trip cost of $0 to $100,000. It includes $250,000 of primary Medical Coverage and Trip Delay of $2,000 for accommodations/lodging expenses. ​ Upon purchase, you will receive a visa letter that you can upload using this link - - to the Costa Rica Health Pass website and complete the required paperwork to get your QR code to show airport authorities upon arrival to Costa Rica. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Safe Travels International (For Non US Citizens) Travel Medical and other benefits, for anyone while traveling from their Home Country but NOT valid for travel from, in, or to the United States of America. Rates are based on age and plan options. Effective 1/28/2021 at 11AM, This plan includes $2,000 of trip delay quarantine lodging expenses and Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-Existing Medical Condition benefit of $20,000 up to age 65 and $10,000 over age 65. This Coverage can be purchased for a minimum of five (5) days up to a maximum of 364 days. If a minimum of 5 days is purchased, the policy term may be extended with uninterrupted coverage for up to 2 years. COVID-19 EXPENSES, up to the amount selected, are covered and treated as any other sickness. This is stated on the VISA Letter and in the policy wording that you receive with the order **Plans purchased after January 28, 2021 at 11AM CST meets Costa Rica Rica requirements to get a Health Pass. This plan is not available to US citizens unless they live in the origin country. Upon purchase, you will receive a visa letter that you can upload using this link - - to the Costa Rica Health Pass website and complete the required paperwork to get your QR code to show airport authorities upon arrival to Costa Rica. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide Safe Travels International Cost Saver (For Non US Citizens) Travel Medical and other benefits, for anyone while traveling from their Home Country but NOT valid for travel from, in, or to the United States of America. Rates are based on age and plan options. Effective 1/28/2021 at 11AM, This plan includes $2,000 of trip delay quarantine lodging expenses and $2,500 of Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-existing condition benefit. This Coverage can be purchased for a minimum of five (5) days up to a maximum364 days. If a minimum of 5 days is purchased, the policy term may be extended with uninterrupted coverage for up to 2 years. COVID-19 EXPENSES, up to the amount selected, are covered and treated as any other sickness. This is stated on the VISA Letter and in the policy wording that you receive with the order. **Plans purchased after January 28, 2021 at 11AM CST meets Costa Rica Rica requirements to get a Health Pass. This plan is not available to US citizens unless they live in the origin country. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten by: Nationwide 普拉維達! 哥斯達黎加 在等你。

  • Generali Global Assistance | Travel With Insurance

    CSA Travel Protection(現稱為 Generali Global Assistance)是一家為全球消費者和商業夥伴提供旅遊保險和其他援助服務的領先供應商。成立於 1991 年,總部位於聖地亞哥。 Visit website 為什麼選擇 CSA 旅行保障 請放心,他們的品牌名稱可能已更改,但他們提供相同質量的旅行保險、緊急援助和出色的客戶服務,因為您已經依賴了 25 年多。 GGA 還推出了三項新的旅行保險計劃,它們結合了 CSA 幾十年來建立的機構知識和質量,以及全球保險品牌的支持和承保能力。他們能夠充分利用世界上最強大和最成功的公司之一Generali Group 的全球規模和資源,同時保持對客戶服務的承諾。 從取消旅行和延誤旅行等常見旅行問題,到在颶風和直升機醫療後送等緊急情況下提供全天候 24/7 的實地援助,當您的旅行未按計劃進行時,CSA 都在那裡。 綜合 計劃 Premium Plan Ideal for luxury travel, cruises and tours etc An enhanced travel insurance plan designed for more expensive travel, including cruises and tours. Get the highest available benefit limits with amplified coverage for certain trip emergencies. Coverage for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions is only available with this plan. Trip cancellation 100% of trip cost insured Trip interruption 175% of trip cost insured Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Preferred and Standard Plans Ideal for sporting goods, ski, golf and hiking trips Our Preferred travel insurance plan includes the same coverages and assistance services as the Standard plan, plus specific coverages for Sporting Equipment. Great for ski, golf, hiking trips, international travel and more. Trip cancellation 100% of trip cost insured Trip interruption Up to 150% of trip cost insured Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 COVID-19 疾病的承保 範圍 如果您、您的家人或旅伴在旅行前或旅行期間被診斷出患有 COVID-19,並且因疾病符合承保要求 ,您可以獲得旅行取消、旅行中斷、旅行延誤、醫療和牙科、除了我們的 24/7 緊急援助服務之外,還有緊急援助和運輸服務。 訪問他們的網站,了解所有可用的計劃和福利 訪問網站 想投保 CSA旅行保護? 世界在等你。 去旅行吧 CSA Travel Protection / Generali Global 的 聯繫信息 > 客戶服務 800-874-2442 > 營業時間 週一至週五:太平洋時間上午 6 點至下午 6 點,週六至週日:太平洋時間上午 6 點至下午 3 點 索賠電子郵件 延長或更新覆蓋範圍 > 理賠營業時間: 週一至週五:太平洋時間上午 6 點至下午 6 點 > 理賠電話 電話:800-541-3522 傳真:877-300-8670 > 郵寄至 忠利全球援助 郵政信箱 939057 加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥 92193-9057 供應商索賠網站 緊急援助 提出索賠 找醫生/醫院

  • Legal Disclaimer | Travel with Insurance

    Legal Disclaimer ​ Travel with Insurance provides the website as a service to the public. ​ Travel with Insurance is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this website. While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website by third parties is correct, complete, and up-to-date. ​ Although Travel with Insurance website may include links providing direct access to other Internet resources, including websites and third-party providers, TRAVEL WITH INSURANCE is not responsible for the accuracy, content of information contained in these sites nor the final service provided by these entities. ​ Product information is based solely on material received from suppliers. ​

  • HTH Travel Insurance | Travel with Insurance

    HTH Travel Insurance 是幫助世界旅行者獲得全球優質醫療服務的領導者。 HTH 結合正在進行的研究、簽約的全球醫生和醫院社區、先進的互聯網應用以及在國際健康保險方面的廣泛經驗,以確保客戶的健康、安全和安心。 Visit website 為什麼選擇 HTH 旅遊保險 Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC (Worldwide Services Insurance Agency, LLC in CA and in NY) offers a variety of travel medical insurance across the U.S. under leading brands. HTH offers a wide selection of travel health insurance plans that include coverage for hospital care, surgery, office visits, prescription drugs and medical evacuation. Travel the world with confidence knowing that you have convenient access to a community of trusted English-speaking physicians in more than 180 countries. Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC(加利福尼亞州和紐約州的全球服務保險機構有限責任公司)在美國各地以領先品牌提供各種旅行醫療保險。 HTH 提供多種旅行健康保險計劃,包括醫院護理、手術、就診、處方藥和醫療後送。知道您可以方便地訪問我們在 180 多個國家/地區的值得信賴的講英語的醫生社區,讓您充滿信心地環遊世界。 接觸精英醫生可以帶來更好的診斷、治療和結果。 更全面的保障意味著當您需要時,保險就在那裡。 A - 評級(優秀)保險,讓您高枕無憂。 我們的簽約供應商直接向 HTH* 收費,從而消除繁文縟節和文書工作的麻煩。 HTH 成員可以獲得關鍵的健康和安全工具,因此可以避免或快速解決意外危機。 Comprehensive Plans Trip Protector Economy A comprehensive plan that offers travel protection plus travel medical insurance Trip cancellation up to $50,000/Trip interruption up to 200% of trip cost up to 500,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation TripProtector Preferred coverages plus Cancel for Any Reason (optional). Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver may be available if purchased within 21 days of initial trip deposit( for the Preferred plan and 14 days for the Classic) Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Trip Protector Classic A comprehensive plan that offers travel protection plus travel medical insurance Trip cancellation up to $25,000/Trip interruption up to 150% of trip cost $250,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation Includes all TripProtector Economy coverages plus Natural disaster, terrorist incident and bankruptcy Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver may be available if purchased within 14 days of initial trip deposit. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Trip Protector Preferred A comprehensive plan that offers travel protection plus travel medical insurance Trip cancellation up to $50,000/Trip interruption up to 200% of trip cost $500,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation TripProtector Economy and Classic coverages plus Cancel for Any Reason (optional). Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver may be available if purchased within 21 days of initial trip deposit. Customize & Buy View Brochure AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Travel Medical Plans Single Trip option for travelers with primary health insurance Short term international travel medical plans for leisure, educational, missionary or business travel ​ Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 or younger Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Single Trip option for travelers without primary health insurance Short term international travel medical plans for leisure, educational, missionary or business travel ​ Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles For trips up to 6 months for ages 95 or younger Covers pre-existing conditions for medical evacuation. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Multi Trip Annual Plan Medical Benefits Essential Choice Maximum International Benefits per Insured Person per policy period: $500,000* $1,000,000* For Individuals aged 70 - 95, the Maximum International Medical Benefit for Multi-Trip Preferred is $100,000. Deductible per Insured Person per policy period Global Health and Safety Services 24 Hour/ 7 Day Global Medical Assistance Covers all international trips (up to 70 days duration per trip) in a 12 month period. Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Speciality Plans International Students & Faculty Coverage for international students and faculty in the U.S. and Abroad ​ Unlimited medical maximum Deductible waived for office visits/J1 Visa compliant options No waiting period for preventive services Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 Outbound option for Students & Faculty Short term health insurance for U.S. students and faculty traveling Abroad ​ Up to $1 million in coverage Medical, Evacuation, RX, AD&D No hospital pre-certification penalty Customize & Buy View Brochure Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724 訪問他們的網站,了解所有可用的計劃和福利 訪問網站 想投保 HTH旅遊保險? 知道您可以方便地訪問我們在 180 多個國家/地區的值得信賴的講英語的醫生社區,讓您 充滿信心地環遊世界 HTH 旅行保險的 聯繫信息 > 客戶服務 888-243-2358 > 營業時間 工作日,東部時間上午 8:00 - 晚上 8:00 索賠電子郵件 延長或更新覆蓋範圍 > 理賠工作時間: 工作日,東部時間上午 8:00 - 晚上 8:00 > 理賠聯繫方式 電話:888-243-2358 傳真: 610-293-3528 供應商索賠網站 緊急援助 > 郵寄至 HTH旅遊保險 轉交理賠部 第一大道933號 普魯士國王,賓夕法尼亞州 19406 提出索賠 找醫生/醫院

  • Privacy Policy | TravelWithInsurance

    Privacy policy ​ Travel with insurance is sensitive to the privacy issues raised by use of the Internet, and we are committed to protecting your privacy in a manner that will allow you to use our resources with complete confidence and comfort. ​ Only when voluntarily offered, travel with insurance collects information that can identify you and uses this information in accordance with its privacy policy. When you sign up for our services travel with insurance requests personal information, including your name, e-mail address, and other information necessary to provide you with personalized service. ​ We do not disclose any personal information unless you authorize us to do so, the law requires it, or to protect the rights or property of travel with insurance. Any non-personal information, communications or material you send to travel with insurance by Internet electronic mail is on a non-confidential basis. We are free to use and reproduce any such information freely, and for any purpose whatsoever. ​ We operate under a strict set of privacy principles. Travel with insurance takes care to respect the privacy of its online visitors (guests and/or members). Information that can identify any online visitor is collected only when voluntarily offered by the visitor. At Travel with insurance we continuously strive to improve your experience. To do so, we internally use personally identifiable information to personalize the customer experience and to improve our content and product offering, and site design and layout. ​ We do not sell or rent any personally identifiable information about you to any third party. We may share non-personal, aggregate information regarding customer demographics, traffic patterns, sales, and site usage with our partners or advertisers. We will never willfully disclose personally identifiable information about our customers to any third party without prior consent. ​ We do not share personal information provided by site visitors with anyone outside travel with insurance, except to the extent necessary to allow you to participate in site activities. In particular, we do not rent or sell mailing lists of site visitors to any third party. We will never post your e-mail address or other identifying information you have provided on our site without your consent. We collect non-personal information from online visitors in order to constantly improve our web site. ​ Information that can identify a visitor (e.g. name or address) is not collected in this process, nor does travel with insurance require disclosure of such information. Information that can identify a visitor is collected only when the visitor provides it voluntarily. ​ You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and/or account information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online. ​ Any changes in this privacy policy will be promptly disclosed in these pages. Return to check from time to time. ​ ​

  • Contact | Travel with Insurance

    接觸 需要幫助?我們隨時為您提供幫助 加入 TWI 團隊並註冊成為合作夥伴代理 接觸 名 姓 電子郵件 信息 發送 您的消息已送達。 電子郵件 電話 310-553-8383 WhatsApp Messenger 辦公室 1901 星光大道 #1900 洛杉磯,CA 90067 美國 辦公室 1901 星光大道 #1900 洛杉磯,CA 90067 美國 Apply now

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